Graduate Student Grants

The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI), one of three National Poverty Research Centers, seeks to support research by Stanford graduate students that expands our knowledge of key trends in poverty, inequality, and mobility in the United States. The CPI anticipates funding 3-4 proposals each year. These small research grants, totalling up to $2,500, can be used for expenses associated with carrying out dissertation or other research projects (e.g., acquiring data sets, transcribing interviews, participant benefits) but are not intended to cover graduate student tuition or stipends.


  1. The research must fall within one of the Center’s ten focal areas (go here for a list of those areas).
  2. Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate program at Stanford University at the time the grant is proposed and throughout the duration of the proposed funding.
  3. Grants should begin within one month of award notification and extend no longer than one year.
  4. Grants will be awarded through CPI with no overhead allowed. Grantees must submit documentation of expenses.
  5. Funds may only cover reasonable research expenses up to $2,500. A detailed budget must be submitted with the proposal.
  6. Recipients must submit a final report to the CPI (in the form of a working paper) within 3 months of the end date of the grant.

Application Instructions

Applicants should submit their proposal electronically to There are two deadlines each year: October 15 and April 15 (5pm Pacific Standard Time). The proposal should be submitted as a single file and contain the following sections in the order listed below:

  1. A cover sheet that includes (a) the title of the proposed research project, (b) the focal area within which the proposal falls (go here for a list of focal areas), (c) the investigator name(s) and department(s), and (d) contact information.
  2. A brief narrative (2 single-spaced pages, excluding figures and references) delineating (a) the research question and the study's aims, (b) a review of the literature informing the study, (c) the research design, methods, and data sources, and (d) the likely policy significance of the proposed research.
  3. An itemized budget and budget narrative explaining each line item.
  4. A project timeline that is consistent with the conditions outlined in the "Terms" section above. This timeline should list the milestones necessary to complete the study in the allotted time.
  5. A C.V.

Please note that Human Subjects review approval (or a waiver in the case of secondary data analysis) is required before any funding may be disbursed.

Contact Information

Alice Chou 
Administrative Associate 
Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality 
(650) 724-6912

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