CPI 2015-16 New Scholars

The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality is pleased to announce the winners of our 2015-16 New Scholars Grant Competition:

Keith Gunnar Bentele, University of Massachusetts Boston

Safety Net Research Group

A Tale of Two Recoveries: Understanding State-level Trends in Market-generated Poverty, Poverty Relief, & Overall Poverty Following the 2001 and 2007-09 Recessions

Kendra Bischoff, Cornell University

Education and Segregation Research Groups

Income Segregation and Student Achievement Gaps, 1996-2010 

Deirdre Bloome, University of Michigan

Mobility and Inequality Research Groups

Income Dynamics and Lifetime Income Inequality in the United States 

Siwei Cheng, University of California, Los Angeles

Inequality Research Group

The Shifting Structure of Intragenerational Inequality 

Amy Hsin, Queens College, City University of New York

Education Research Group

Undocumented and Legal Immigrants in Higher Education: Immigrant Status, Legal Status and Educational Outcomes 

Alexandra K. Murphy, University of Michigan

Poverty Research Group

What About Transportation? Developing a Measure to Capture an Understudied Dimension of Poverty 

Brian Thiede, Louisiana State University

Racial and Ethnic Inequality Research Group

Born Poor? Racial Diversity, Inequality, and the American Pipeline 

Kristin Turney, University of California, Irvine 

Poverty Research Group

The Unequal Consequences of Childhood Poverty: Considering Time-Varying and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects