Faculty Development


OFDD offers workshops throughout the year designed to teach the skills needed to develop faculty careers.

  • Team science – Leading interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research teams
  • Skills-building – Developing effective leadership and communication skills
  • Grant writing – Obtaining your first K-award or R01

Leadership Programs

OFDD supports the next generational of leaders in the biomedical workforce with intensive exposure to leadership training.

Work-Life Flexibility

Stanford Medicine faculty have access to significant benefits to enable work-life integration. Through Academic Biomedical Career Customization, OFDD also offers tools for customized career support to enable continued faculty success.

Academic Biomedical Career Customization (ABCC)    

Faculty Flexibility Resources at Stanford    

Spotlight on Faculty Career Flexibility    

Department Mentorship Programs

OFDD provides department trainings and consultation on creating mentorship programs. This includes advising on mentorship program design including mentoring agreements, mentoring guides, and a mentorship self-assessment tool as well as in-person training on effective mentorship for both mentors and mentees. Contact us to request more information.

Connect with the National Research Mentoring Network

The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN), funded by the National Institutes of Health, is a nationwide consortium of science professionals and institutions collaborating to provide students and scientists across all career stages of research in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences with enhanced networking, professional development, research resources and mentorship experiences. Participate as a mentor or mentee. Click Here to create your profile on the NRMN website today!

Contact OFDD

For more information on faculty development:

Mentoring Resources

Career Resources