After the Draw

After Draw results are announced, students are either assigned or unassigned.

Assigned Students

In-House Draw

In the Draw, students are assigned to buildings and room types (for example, Branner Single, or BOB Premier). Students must go through their house’s in-house Draw to select their room assignments. The in-house Draws are organized and run by Residential Education staff. Please note that some Co-ops use consensus meetings to assign rooms and make roommate assignments.  The residences that use this method do not hold their meetings until shortly before classes begin. In all cases, no room/roommate assignments are final until after students have moved in to their assigned residences.

The 2015 In-house Draw schedule will be available before Draw results are announced on Thursday, May 21st. 


If a student is not satisfied with his/her assignment, he/she is encouraged to participate in the Autumn Quarter Reassignment Round. Between the time when Draw results are announced in May and the Reassignment Round, which takes place in July, additional vacancies will occur on campus as students cancel their housing assignments.

  • You must join the Reassignment Round by July 12th, 2015. You can do this by logging onto Axess, selecting Student Housing and Dining from the Student drop-down menu, clicking "View Application Results," and then joining the waitlist for reassignment.
  • You will keep your original assignment if we cannot assign you to one of your more preferred choices.
  • If you are reassigned, you will not be able to cancel the reassignment and keep your original assignment (your original assignment is allocated simultaneously to another student waiting for an assignment).
  • Students who are planning on joining the Reassignment Round should still participate in their In-house Draw in case they are unable to be reassigned.

Gender Neutral Housing

Students who are assigned to a residence and room type that allows gender-neutral housing must formally request a gender-neutral room assignment by filing a Gender-Neutral Room Assignment Request Form right after the Draw.

  • Log on to Axess.
  • Select Student Housing and Dining from the Student drop-down menu.
  • Click “Forms and Petitions” on the main menu.
  • Select the request type “Gender-Neutral/Inclusive Room Assignment Request.”
  • Fill out the form to make the request.

Please note that gender-neutral housing is never guaranteed and students are never forced into gender neutral assignments. The Gender-Neutral Room Assignment Request Form must be submitted by Monday, May 25th, 2015.

Split Groups

If you are a member of a group that is split after the Draw and you want to be assigned to the same residence, you may file a Split Group Petition (coming soon). Housing Assignments will attempt to reunite all split groups that submit a petition, but priority for reuniting split groups always goes to groups that meet the following conditions:

  • The group was not split because members selected different group retention choices.
  • All group members have the same tier level.
  • All group members listed the same choices in the same order on their housing applications.
  • All group members file their Split Group Petition by the deadline--June 1st, 2015.

Cancelling a Housing Assignment

See the cancellation section for information about cancelling a housing assignment.

Unassigned Students

When Draw results are announced, some students who applied for Autumn Quarter housing will not have a housing assignment. This will include some guaranteed students. Over the summer, assigned students will cancel their housing assignments, thus making room for students who are unassigned. Students who are unassigned must join the Autumn Waiting List by July 12th, 2015. The easiest way to do this is to log onto Axess, select Student Housing and Dining from the Student drop-down menu, select "View Application Results," and apply for the waitlist. Guaranteed students who do not join the Waitlist round by this deadline and select "Assign me to any residence" as their final choice will no longer be guaranteed housing for Autumn Quarter.