Access to excellence through new forms of student assessment

Dennis P. Wolf, Sean F. Reardon
Year of Publication: 
In D.P. Wolf & J.B. Baron (Eds.)
Performance‐based student assessment: Challenges and possibilities. Ninety‐fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I
Chicago: University of Chicago Press

These discussions of performance-based student assessment provide a record of a decade-long exploration of unsettled issues in assessment. The first section provides the elements of a basic rationale for performance-based assessment, while the second section contains accounts of efforts to develop new performance-based systems in one city and four states. The volume closes with discussions of the place of performance-based assessment at the national level. The following essays are included: (1) "Access to Excellence through New Forms of Student Assessment" (Dennie Palmer Wolf and Sean F. Reardon); (2) "Can Performance-Based Assessments Contribute to the Achievement of Educational Equity" (Edmund W. Gordon and Carol Bonilla-Bowman); (3) "Authentic Assessment and School Development" (Linda Darling-Hammond and Jacqueline Ancess); (4) "Can Performance-Based Student Assessments Be Psychometrically Sound?" (Robert L. Linn and Eva L. Baker); (5) "Coherence, Assessment, and Challenging Content" (Marshall S. Smith and Jessica Levin); (6) "Coherence, Comprehensiveness, and Capacity in Assessment Systems: The Pittsburgh Experience" (Paul G. LeMahieu and JoAnne T. Eresh); (7) "Rewriting the Tests: Lessons from the California State Assessment System" (Bill Honig and Francie Alexander in collaboration with Dennie Palmer Wolf); (8) "Developing Performance-Based Student Assessments: The Connecticut Experience" (Joan Boykoff Baron); (9) "Statewide Portfolio Assessment: The Vermont Experience" (Richard P. Mills); (10) "Assessment and Accountability in Kentucky's School Reform" (Brian Gong and Edward F. Reidy); (11) "A Vision for the Role of New Assessments in Standards-Based Reform" (Roy Romer and Joy Fitzgerald); (12) "Standards and Portfolio Assessment" (Philip Daro); (13) "The Evolution of College Entrance Examinations" (Donald M. Stewart and Michael Johanek); and (14) "The Evolution of the National Assessment of Educational Progress: Coherence with Best Practice" (Edward H. Haertel and Ina V. S. Mullins). Individual chapters contain references and notes. (SLD)

APA Citation

Wolf, D.P., Reardon, S.F. (1996). Access to excellence through new forms of student assessment. In D.P. Wolf & J.B. Baron (Eds.), Performance‐based student assessment: Challenges and possibilities. Ninety‐fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part I. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.