The Effect of Primary School Mergers on Academic Performance of Students in Rural China

Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Scott Rozelle, Prashant Loyalka
Year of Publication: 
International Journal of Educational Development

We examine the impact of primary school mergers on academic performance of students using a dataset that we collected using a survey designed specifically to examine changes in the academic performance of students before and after their schools were merged. We use difference-in-differences and propensity score matching approaches and demonstrate that overall the primary school merger has not harmed the academic performance of students, as some have claimed. We do find, however, that the timing of mergers matter; when students are older (e.g., the fourth grade) their grades rise after merging. The grades of younger students, however, fall.

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APA Citation

Liu, C.F., Zhang, L.X., Luo, R., Rozelle, S.D., & Loyalka, P. (2010). The Effect of Primary School Mergers on Academic Performance of Students in Rural China. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(6), 570-585.