The Quality Teacher and Education Act in San Francisco: Lessons Learned

Heather J. Hough
Year of Publication: 
Policy Analysis for California Education

This policy brief, Heather Hough from Stanford University reviews the recent experience of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) with the development and approval of Proposition A. Proposition A (also known as the Quality Teacher and Education Act, or QTEA) included a parcel tax mainly dedicated to increasing teachers’ salaries, along with a variety of measures introducing flexibility to the current salary schedule and strengthening accountability for teacher performance. Based on interviews with key stakeholders in the district, Hough describes how the district and union worked together in SFUSD both to increase general compensation and also to introduce new compensation strategies that support closer alignment between school district goals and expenditures for teacher salaries.

Secondary Research Area:

Education Level:

APA Citation

Hough, H.J. (2009). The Quality Teacher and Education Act in San Francisco: Lessons Learned. Policy Analysis for California Education.