Brian Holzman

Brian ( is a doctoral candidate in Sociology of Education and Higher Education at Stanford University. He has a B.S. in Sociology, Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies, and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an M.A. in Sociology from Stanford University. In his research, Brian bridges sociological literature and college choice theory to examine racial and socioeconomic stratification in educational attainment. He seeks to illuminate potholes in the postsecondary pathway and use quasi-experimental techniques to identify interventions and policies that ease educational transitions for traditionally underrepresented youth. Before graduate school, Brian interned on the Policy and Budget Team at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and worked as a Senior Program Support Representative at Reading is Fundamental, Inc. More recently, he was a Research Associate at the American Institutes for Research, where he worked on a variety of evaluations and technical assistance centers related to early college high school, high school accountability, and special education.


Manuscripts in Preparation
Antonio, A., & Holzman, B., “A Continuing Call for Equity: Re-examining Contributions of Faculty of Color to Higher Education.”

Holzman, B., DREAMing of College: The Impact of Restrictive and Accommodating In-State Resident Tuition Policies for Undocumented Students on College Choice and Preparation.”

Holzman, B., “Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of College Preparatory Behaviors on College Enrollment among the Children of Immigrants.”

Holzman, B., “I Heard It from a Friend: The Strength of Weak Ties in College Enrollment.”

Holzman, B., “Tip of the Iceberg: The Role of Summer Melt in the Postsecondary Pathway.”

Jackson, M. & Holzman, B. “Misplaced Concerns? Social Background, Educational Attainment, and the Power of Performance.”

Research Briefs
Boyle, A., Carlson Le Floch, K.A., Bowles Therriault, S., and Holzman, B. (2009). State Support for High School Improvement: School-level Perceptions of Quality. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research.

Technical Reports
Bettinger, E. P., Antonio, A. L., Evans, B., Foster, J., Holzman, B., Santikian, H., & Horng, E. (2013). National College Advising Corps 2011-2012 Evaluation Report. Chapel Hill, NC: National College Advising Corps.

Bettinger, E. P., Antonio, A. L., Evans, B., Foster, J., Holzman, B., Santikian, H., & Horng, E. (2012). National College Advising Corps 2010-2011 Evaluation Report. Chapel Hill, NC: National College Advising Corps.

Bettinger, E. P., Antonio, A. L., Evans, B., Foster, J., Holzman, B., & Horng, E. (2011). National College Advising Corps 2010-2011 Evaluation Report: 1st Year of Implementation in Texas. Chapel Hill, NC: National College Advising Corps and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Holzman, B., and Scala J. (2010). Response to Intervention in New Hampshire: Results of the 2010 New Hampshire School Survey of RTI Knowledge, Implementation, and Professional Development. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research.

Dissertation Committee: Anthony Antonio, Eric Bettinger, Michelle Jackson, Tomás Jiménez

Research Interests: Sociology of education; Higher education; Education policy analysis; Racial and socioeconomic inequality in college access and success; Immigration reform and immigrant assimilation


  • Stanford University, Ph.D., Sociology and Higher Education (Expected June 2016)
  • Stanford University, M.A., Sociology, 2014
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S., Sociology, Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies (LACIS), and Spanish (with Honors in the Liberal Arts), 2006

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Holzman CV

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