VPUE Opportunities for Faculty

Professor lecturing in class.

About VPUE Resources for faculty

The Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education serves as the primary conduit for faculty interested in engaging with undergraduates in both academic and research contexts. We advocate for undergraduate education in collaboration with students, faculty, schools and departments across the university. All of our resources are dedicated to connecting students with Stanford, involving faculty with undergraduate education, and fully realizing a liberal education. In addition to considering the opportunities listed below, visit the Teaching Commons website for teaching and learning resources at Stanford and beyond. 

VPUE Opportunities for Faculty


Timothy Bresnahan, the Landau Professor in Technology and the Economy, spoke at the brown bag lunch series, Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching

Teaching Awards

To reflect the emphasis that Stanford puts on effective teaching, teaching awards are given out each year on campus.

Dan Edelstein teaching his class ESF 3/3A: How to be a Public Intellectual

Teach Undergrads

Interested in teaching undergraduate students? More information about how to teach programs like IntroSems and Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing courses are listed by program on the right. 


This pen-size microscope may one day be able to detect circulating tumor cells by focusing low-power laser light on blood vessels just below a patient's skin.

Enrich Your Research

Discover ways in which working with undergraduates can enrich your own research agenda.



See Also