Multiple agencies and the public have contributed to a Traffic Management and Operations Plan (TMOP) to minimize the duration of traffic congestion throughout the stadium area, provide adequate parking facilities, facilitate trips by non-automobile uses, encourage transit use, prevent intrusion into neighborhoods while maintaining access to neighboring business properties, and ensure safe travel for all event patrons and local traffic. The TMOP is flexible and will evolve through experience, post event evaluations and feedback from event attendees, local businesses and residents.
Attached is the link to the City Council agenda for the meeting of July 15, which is when the TMOP dated July 11 was considered:
Specific ingress (pre-event) and egress (post-event) plans aim to provide the safest route to and from major thoroughfares and parking lots. These plans are intended to keep stadium-goers away from residential neighborhoods.
Levi's Stadium Ingress Travel
Levi's Stadium Egress Travel
Following each event, staff will evaluate the security and traffic control measures and make adjustments as necessary.