Boiler, Steam Generator, Process Heater

Effective January 1, 2011, Regulation 9, Rule 7 requires certain boilers, steam generators and process heaters to be registered with the District and comply with the emission limits set forth in the rule.

To determine if your boiler is subject to this rule please address the following applicability requirements:

Exemption Requirements:

  • the rated heat input is less than 1 MM Btu/hr (30 Boiler horsepower)  or
  • the rated heat input is less than or equal to 2 MM Btu/hr (60 Boiler horsepower) and the boiler is fired using only natural gas or LPG

If either of the above apply you are exempt. No further action is required.

Registration Requirements:

  • the rated heat input is greater than 2 MM Btu/hr and less than 10 MM Btu/hr
  • the boiler is fired using only natural gas or LPG
  • the boiler is not located at a petroleum refinery
  • the boiler is not used to generate electricity

If all of the above apply your boiler is required to be registered.
Please complete the Boiler Registration.

For more information, see the Regulation 9-7 Compliance Advisory.

Contact Us

Julian Elliot
Senior Air Quality Engineer, Technical Services


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