Justin M. Berg

Justin M. Berg
Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior
Contact Info
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Academic Area: 
Organizational Behavior

Research Statement

Professor Berg's research focuses on creativity and innovation. In essence, he studies how to successfully develop, evaluate, and implement creative ideas in and outside organizations. His most recent research looks at how individuals and crowds can accurately forecast the success of novel ideas. He also studies how employees can creatively redesign their own jobs to better suit their personalities, strengths, and interests.

Research Interests

  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Job Crafting


Justin M. Berg received his Ph.D. in Management from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and his B.A. in Organizational Studies and Psychology from the University of Michigan. He has done research with and consulted for a variety of organizations, including Cirque du Soleil, Google, VMware, Burt’s Bees, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. His work has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Organization Science, as well as featured in TIME, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, Forbes, Washington Post, and Harvard Business Review.

Prior to graduate school, Justin was an R&D Consultant for the Center for Positive Organizations at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. During this time, he led the invention of the Job Crafting™ Exercise (along with Jane Dutton and Amy Wrzesniewski), which is a tool that helps people creatively redesign their jobs.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2015
  • BA, Organizational Studies and Psychology, University of Michigan

Awards and Honors

  • Best Published Paper Award, Academy of Management OMT Division, 2017
  • Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students, 2012
  • Finalist, Best Paper in Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2010
  • Finalist, Best Paper in Positive Organizational Scholarship, 2010


Journal Articles

Justin M. Berg. Administrative Science Quarterly. July 2016, Vol. 61, Issue 3, Pages 433-468.
Justin M. Berg. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. July 2014, Vol. 125, Issue 1, Pages 1-17.
Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Nancy P. Rothbard, Justin M. Berg. Academy of Management Review. October 2013, Vol. 38, Issue 4, Pages 645-669.
Adam M. Grant, Justin M. Berg, Daniel M. Cable. Academy of Management . July 27, 2013, Vol. 57, Issue 4, Pages 1201-1255.
Justin M. Berg, Adam M. Grant, Victoria Johnson. Organization Science. September 2010, Vol. 21, Issue 5, Pages 973-994.
Justin M. Berg, Amy Wrzesniewski, Jane E. Dutton. Journal of Organizational Behavior. February 2010, Vol. 31, Issue 2-3, Pages 158-186.


Degree Courses


This course helps students become more effective leaders of creativity and innovation in organizations. Successful innovations begin as creative ideas, but creative ideas can be difficult to generate and accurately evaluate. Based on the latest...


This course helps students become more effective leaders of creativity and innovation in organizations. Successful innovations begin as creative ideas, but creative ideas can be difficult to generate and accurately evaluate. Based on the latest...


This course helps students become more effective leaders of creativity and innovation in organizations. Successful innovations begin as creative ideas, but creative ideas can be difficult to generate and accurately evaluate. Based on the latest...

Insights by Stanford Business

December 19, 2016
Read 10 Stanford Business stories from the past year, including pieces on work-life balance, power, and management.
January 26, 2016
A professor turns to circus acts to determine how to predict the success of ideas.
January 22, 2016
A scholar who studies job crafting says you may be less stuck in your job than you think.

School News

October 6, 2015
New faculty and lecturers offer unique perspectives and experience to augment program offerings.