Bulletin: Expenditure Type & Object Code Updates (Posted May 23, 2017)

Expenditure Types and Object Codes are used to properly code purchases, expense reports, journal entries and receipts in Oracle Financials. This page provides a monthly summary of new expenditure types and object codes, and changes to existing expenditure types and object codes.

On this page:

New Expenditure Types
EXP Type Title Description Usage Rules
iBudget IJ Public IJ Special IJ Central IPO ERS
No New Expenditure Type Created
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New Object Codes
Object Code Title Description Usage Rules
iBudget IJ Public IJ Special IJ Central IPO ERS
44235 INVESTMENT INCOME – UR NON OPS To record investment income that is not distributed for operations No No No No No No
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New Object Code Parents
Object Code Title Description Usage Rules
iBudget IJ Public IJ Special IJ Central IPO
No New Object Code Parent Created
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New Expenditure Categories
Exp Category Code Title
No New Expenditure Category Created
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Changes to Existing Expenditure Types and Object Codes
EXP Type/
Object Code
Name From... To...
55210 SUPPLIES MATERIALS LABORATORY 55210 SUPPLIES MATERIALS LABORATORY-Laboratory supplies and materials. Includes radioactive materials, nucleotides (e.g., RNA and DNA containing materials), peptides (e.g., amino acids and proteins), growth media, controlled substances, restriction enzymes, or biological organisms. For compressed gas, chemicals and trade name products containing hazardous materials use 55230. For special purpose non-capital items use 55135, 55136. For purchases of laboratory animals use 55240 or 58710/58720. Ref: Uniform Guidance 200.94, 200.453, 200.20 55210 SUPPLIES MATERIALS LABORATORY-Laboratory supplies and materials. Includes radioactive materials, nucleotides (e.g., RNA and DNA containing materials), peptides (e.g., amino acids and proteins), growth media, controlled substances, restriction enzymes, or biological organisms. For compressed gas, chemicals and trade name products containing hazardous materials use 55230. For lab/science/technology non-capital items use 55215. For purchases of laboratory animals use 55240 or 58710/58720. Ref: Uniform Guidance 200.94, 200.453, 200.20.
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Staying Informed

To receive email communications regarding monthly updates to Expenditure Types and Object Codes, subscribe to et_obj_updates@lists.

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Past Requests

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Additional Resources

The following resources are available to help properly code transactions:

If existing Expenditure Types or Object Codes do not meet your department needs, see How To: Request New (or Change Existing) Expenditure Type or Object Code.

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For additional help, please submit a HelpSU ticket.

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