576 Alvarado – Summer Housing

576 Alvarado is a cooperative house. Cooperatives, or co-ops, are student-managed residences in which house members cooperate in the operation and governance of the house. 576 Alvarado houses 35 residents, and the common conviction is that by sharing in the full spectrum of house activities, the members of the house develop a greater sense of community and commitment to each other.

Living in a co-op is very different from living in a residence hall or other University-operated residence. Co-op members, who live in various-sized bedrooms from singles to triples, jointly plan the purchasing of food and supplies, budgeting of finances, and coordination of jobs. Residents usually spend from 2 to 6 hours per week doing house jobs, including cooking, washing dishes, and cleaning bathrooms and other common areas. By sharing in house activities, residents often feel that a co-op is more like a home than other traditional student residences. 576 Alvarado does serve meat, but is also vegetarian- and vegan-friendly.

Co-op Housing Assignments

During the summer, students are assigned to this co-op through the Summer Lottery, although current co-op residents have priority for assignment. Residents of 576 Alvarado have the highest priority for assignment to the house, followed by residents of the other Stanford co-ops. All students who live in a co-op must agree to the terms and conditions of living in the house when they apply. Co-ops are self-governing houses and the house determines their own independent room assignment process. Because these room assignments are made under the governance of the house, the house may have some co-ed living arrangements. The University does not forbid mixed gender assignments in coops, but no student will be assigned to a mixed gender room against his or her wishes.

Because of the need to equitably distribute house jobs for the summer and the need to have enough people to complete the house jobs in any given week, only students with 10-week housing contracts will be assigned to 576 Alvarado for the summer, and students assigned here cannot shorten their contracts.

General Information

Residence Name

576 Alvarado




Navigation Address

576 Alvarado Row, Stanford, CA  94305

Mailing Address

576 Alvarado Row, Stanford, CA  94305

Housing Front Desk

Row Housing Front Desk

Dining Service

Student-managed meal service: Residents manage the house meal service and prepare all meals themselves.

Class Configuration


Co-ed Type

Co-ed on each floor

Custodial Service

University managed, but residents do the cleaning.


Various pieces of furniture are available.  After move-in there will be an in-house process for requesting the furniture you need. General furnishings in a typical student room include a bed, desk, chair, dresser or drawers, bookcase or shelves, closet or wardrobe, wastebasket and recycle bin.

Common Areas

The house has a kitchen, dining room, lounges, computer cluster, and library.  Although the main restrooms are communal, there is an ADA restroom on the first floor with a private shower.