Community Housing: How to Submit a Listing

New Rental Listing Service

Stanford has partnered with Places4Students to provide a new online rental listing system to the Stanford community. To submit a listing and find a Stanford-affiliated tenant, you will go through Stanford's new official rental listing service - Places4Students. The switch to this system is an improvement over the previous method of listing rentals through Stanford's Community Housing office, as this on-line service allows property owners and managers to create, edit, manage, and maintain their advertisements. Photographs can also be uploaded and attached to the rental listings. Everything can now be done online, at your convenience. After a housing listing has been created, it will be reviewed by a Places4Students customer service representative before being posted.

For those who are unable to enter rental listings online or anyone with questions about how to list a rental, Places4Students has a toll free number that you can call on weekdays. There is also a Question & Answer section on their web site.
Please call 1-866-766-0767
Hours are from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday (Pacific Standard Time). The Places4Students office is in Ontario, Canada which is on Eastern Standard Time.

As before, the viewing of rental listings will be restricted to direct Stanford affiliates. In order to view the rental listings, a Stanford affiliate will have to register using a Stanford email account or provide proof of Stanford affiliation in order to receive a password into the system.

Cost to List

The fee to advertise for a 28-day period will be as follows:

  • $25 - single-unit "general" advertisement
  • $35 - single unit :"featured" advertisement
  • $50 - multi-unit "general" advertisement
  • $70 - multi-unit "featured" advertisement

Payment can be made online by MasterCard or Visa, or by money order. However, please note that paying by money order can delay the posting of the rental listing, as payment must be received before the ad is posted.

Create an Account

In order to place your rental listings, you will need to register as a new landlord through the Places4Students web site. Once you are registered, you can add, modify, and remove your listings online. You will also be able to track how many times your rental listing has been viewed by Stanford-affiliated prospective tenants.

Listing Categories

There is no separate Work Exchange category. Work exchanges should be listed under the category of housing that is to be provided, but "Work Exchange" or "Partial Work Exchange" should be included in the listing title.

Listing Policies

All listings and property owner/manager policies and practices must comply with landlord/tenant laws and fair housing laws. Any property owner, manager, or landord not in compliance with the law may be banned from listing rentals through this service.

Use of the of the Community Housing rental listings posted through Places4Students is restricted to current Stanford students, faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and visiting scholars and researchers. Incoming Stanford affiliates may also use the restricted sections of the site.

To access the restricted sections of the site, you must be a Stanford affiliate.  Current Stanford affiliates must use their Stanford email addresses to create a "student" account on