
Kate Lewis is a PhD student in the Environmental Earth System Science Department at Stanford University focusing on biological oceanography in the polar oceans. Her research focuses on how primary productivity by phytoplankton is affected by anthropogenic climate change. While at Stanford, her research has taken her from pole to pole doing research aboard icebreaking research vessels with her lab group led by professor Kevin Arrigo.

Kate received her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Chemistry from Western Washington University’s Huxley College of the Environment. Throughout college she worked at the Institute for Watershed Studies to monitor the health of the local watershed and as Marketing Coordinator at the WWU Outdoor Center. She first began studying the Arctic through a research program led by Woods Hole Research Center that looked at thawing permafrost in NE Siberia. This experience inspired her to continue arctic research from a marine perspective at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s department of Physical Oceanography, researching thermohaline circulation and deep-water formation in the Arctic.  

Outside of research, Kate loves to spend time outdoors whenever possible, including exploring the beach with her dog Murphy, trail running at the local preserves, backpacking in the Sierras, or driving down the Big Sur coastline.