Dublin/Pleasanton Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Improvements

(AKA Iron Horse Trail Gap Closure Project)


In June 2016, the BART Board adopted a new Station Access Policy to guide access practices and investments through 2025. Among others, the policy has the following goals:

Safer, Healthier, Greener

Advance the region's safety, public health, and greenhouse gas (GHG) a pollution-reduction goals.

Better Experience

Be a better neighbor, and strive for an excellent customer experience, including on the first and last mile of the trip to and from BART stations.

Subsequent to the adoption of the Policy, the BART Board adopted Performance Measures (PDF) with targets to help BART evaluate how it is doing in implementing the Station Access Policy. A key performance measure is the home-based access mode share target, which seeks to increase the districtwide active (walking and biking) mode share from 44% to 52%.

Additionally, in 2017, City of Dublin completed the Iron Horse Trail Feasibility Study with a goal to identify improvements along the segment of the Iron Horse Trail between Dougherty Road and the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station that will better connect the Trail to BART, other trails and bikeways, and homes and businesses along the trail.

This project is to improve bicycle and pedestrian access to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station, with the following goals:

  • Close the gap in the Iron Horse Trail so that BART riders can use it for recreation and access the broader network of trails and green spaces in the area
  • Advance the 2016 BART Station Access Policy goals (safer, healthier, greener) and targets (52% active access by 2025)
  • Separate pedestrian and bicyclist traffic to improve safety and comfort

In parallel to BART's project, City of Dublin is advancing design for a bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Dublin Boulevard and other improvements to the trail segment immediately north of the BART station area which will close another significant gap in the trails network.

Access to Dublin/Pleasanton

As an end-of-the-line station, Dublin/Pleasanton attracts BART riders from many distant locations, as illustrated in the map below. For these riders, the only really viable options for accessing BART are to drive and park at BART, or to ride a regional bus.

Map of origins of BART riders zoomed out

There are, however, many BART riders who walk and bike to and from the station. Importantly, DUblin/Pleasanton station is a recreational destination for users of the Iron Horse Trail. During outreach to the community, BART staff heard repeatedly the difficulty of locating the Iron Horse trail from the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station entrance, as there is nothing to where it is located and where it goes.

The table below shows the breakdown of access trips to BART in 2015 - the last time BART conducted its Station Profile Study. It also shows how the numbers of people walking and biking to the station have increased since the 2008 Station Profile Study.

Station Profile data table 2008 and 2015

There are also BART riders who live relatively nearby the station who also drive and park, or get dropped off (see map below), but might choose to walk or bike instead if only they felt safe and comfortable doing so.

This project aims to support recreational trips on the trail, including for users who take BART to the trail and for existing users who bike and walk on the trail to BART. The project also aims to make walking and biking to and from BART a better, more attractive option for more people who can and want to walk and bike.

Map of origins of BART riders zoomed in.

Geographic Context

The aerial image below illustrates the broader station area and highlights the locations of both BART's project and City of Dublin's project.

Aerial image of station area highlighting BART's project area and City of Dublin's project area

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the project includes the following:

  • A two-way cycle track separated from vehicle traffic and from the pedestrian sidewalk
  • Pedestrian-scale lighting
  • Improved lighting under the freeway and aerial BART structures
  • Additional secure bicycle parking
  • Wayfinding
  • Landscaping and storm water management features
  • Safety and security features
  • A small park/plaza/gateway treatment at the transition to the Iron Horse Trail to the north
  • Art


BART has been coordinating and working closely with several key external stakeholders on this project, including:

List of external stakeholders and partners


The images below illustrate the details of the design.

Before/After Photos

Existing Iron Horse Trail photograph

Future Iron Horse Trail rendering

Before/After Renderings

Existing Iron Horse Trail blueprint

Click here or on the plan rendering for a closer look.

Iron Horse Trail final condition blueprint

Click here or on the plan rendering for a closer look.

Project Status

The project is currently at 95% design. Before design can be finalized and the project can be put out to bid, BART must clear the following steps:

  • BART must find outside funding to complement BART's Measure RR funding for the project. BART is tracking three upcoming potential grant opportunities: the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP), Regional Measure 3 (RM3) (assuming litigation wraps up and funds are released), and One Bay Area Grants (OBAG) round 3. All three programs might have calls for projects in Fall/Winter 2021.
  • BART needs to formalize land agreements with the City of Dublin, Alameda County and Alameda County Flood Control Zone 7, all of which own land under existing infrastructure that will be modified by the project. BART is actively negotiating land use agreements with all three entities.

Project Schedule

The project schedule depends on the resolution of the two items listed above. Check back regularly for updates on this page.


Have feedback? We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected]

Measure RR logo

Project brought to you by voter-approved Measure RR funds.