
Station Modernization

Learn about BART’s plans for future upgrades in and around station areas through its Station Modernization Program.

Extension Planning

Access current and previous studies of major BART system extensions and expansions to core capacity.

Planning Policies

Learn about the Board policies that guide BART’s planning work, including the Strategic Plan Framework, Station Access Policy, and others.

Grant Applications

Review a list of grant applications BART has submitted for external funding and learn whether applications were successful.

Station Access Studies & Projects

Learn about projects to advance the goals of our Station Access Policy and related performance measures and targets.

Safe Routes to BART

Learn about BART's Measure RR-funded grant program for partner agencies to improve access to BART stations for customers walking and biking to our stations. 

Art Program 

There are nearly 50 works of art throughout the BART system and BART now has an art policy to implement a program that will enrich rider experience, strengthen station identity, connect to communities, and support a distinctive sense of place at stations and beyond.