Get Out Of Washington

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 7:00 pm

Hey, if you look at the Washington Independent, you’ll see some new details about New START as well as kind of a thinkpiece-y analysis of the broader questions it raises. (Even if I don’t have a direct URL right this minute because I’m running out of the office.)

And with that I’m done. Tonight it’s Hot Tub Time Machine with my friends, and in the morning Attackerlady and I fly to Canada to see a reunion show from a band beloved to her in her formative years. Then it’s Passover.

So I’ve got some guestbloggers lined up for you guys, and they’re all lights of the next-generation blogosphere.

Dara Lind is an immigration advocate by day and an editor at Wunderkammer (and occasional contributor to the American Scene) by night.

Matt Zeitlin, that impetuous young whippersnapper, is an editor at North by Northwestern, he occasionally contributes to Wunderkammer and Campus Progress and blogs at his own site. He’s a sophomore at Northwestern where he studies English and Philosophy. He once got into an spat with Susan Faludi in the intellectual battleground otherwise known as TPM Café and never wants to talk about it again.

The pseudonymous Daniel is a proud Chicagoan finishing his degree at a midwestern university. He has written for and continues to contribute to online and print publications in Chicago and Washington D.C.

And Ned Resnikoff, the first to kindly volunteer to help me out with guestbloggery, is a freelance writer and occasional contributor to publications such as Wunderkammer and NYU Local. He also maintains his own politics and culture blog. Currently he is finishing his last semester in the Philosophy department at NYU and trying to figure out what he’s going to do after that. He’s been here before.

My ambition for the next three days is to not look at the internet, but who knows how that would go. If I didn’t bring my laptop to the frigid north I’d probably get too anxious to enjoy myself, but I will try to keep it closed, warmly recharging my phone and otherwise idle.

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When There’s Nothing On The Horizon, You’ve Got Nothing Left To Prove

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 6:09 pm

March 26, 2010
DOD Identifies Marine Casualties

The Department of Defense announced today the deaths of two Marines who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

The following Marines died March 24 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan:

Sgt. Maj. Robert J. Cottle, 45, of Whittier, Calif.

Lance Cpl. Rick J. Centanni, 19, of Yorba Linda, Calif.

Cottle and Centanni were assigned to 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 4thMarine Division, Marine Forces Reserve, based out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.

For additional background information on these Marines, news media representatives may contact the Marine Forces Reserve public affairs office at 504-678-0052 or the after hours contact number 504-235-6128.


Not That This Means Health Care Is A Foreign-Policy Victory

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 3:52 pm

Because it doesn’t vindicate that, but apparently President Medvedev made a flattering display of congratulating President Obama on the new health-care law before getting to the substance of finalizing the details on New START during their morning phone call. To be very clear: all the substance of the treaty was long in the can before [...]

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Out Doin’ Thangs

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 2:15 pm

I’m out reporting something right now. Will be back. Until then, enjoy the highwater mark of the Pen & Pixel era.
Tags: attackerman terror force, big bear

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Waiting On The Iraq Election Results

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 1:15 pm

Will I have to apologize to Bob Blackwill for constantly carping on his Allawi obsession circa 2004-5? We shall see. This is cause for far more genuine nervousness:
Concerns about unrest intensified after Mr. Maliki released a statement last week that said the election commission must respond to demands for a recount in order to prevent [...]

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Tale Of The Tape! Civilian Courts: 390 Terror Convictions; Military Commissions: 3

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 12:43 pm

That’s according to a new Justice Department disclosure to the Senate & House intel and judiciary committees. Greg Sargent scans the thing in so I don’t have to. I await the Keep America Safe ad accusing whoever compiled this information of complicity with al-Qaeda.
390 to 3. Only Lindsey Graham can save this country from certain [...]


So About Getting New START Through The Senate

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 11:52 am

White House briefing just now on New START. Clinton reminded everyone that arms-reduction treaties typically pass with 90-some Senators. Gates repeatedly assured everyone that nothing in the treaty throws European missile defense an iota off course. Adm. Mullen said that he, the Joint Chiefs, and the combatant commanders all “stand solidly” behind the treaty.
But much [...]

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Boogie Ya’alon: This Peace Stuff Is All Kabuki

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 10:41 am

The following is a translation provided by Peace Now of a Yedioth Aranoth interview with Moshe “Boogie” Ya’alon, Israeli Vice PM and Minister for Strategic Affairs.
Gestures, statements, negotiations—nothing will come of it in the end. That is the bottom line as far as Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe (Bogi) Yaalon is [...]

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This Space Should Feature A Washingtonian Story

By: Spencer Ackerman Friday March 26, 2010 9:45 am

Instead it’s blank. Bereft. Filled by filler. As consuming a Void as the current version of the Sentry. Might as well be greeked copy.
What I’d like to blog here is my pal Jeff Stein’s new Washingtonian piece on Steve Kappes, the highly influential CIA deputy director, Libya dealbroker and all-around baller. Usually I prefer structural, [...]

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