Subject Index

To access the alphabetical index of subjects and topics included on, click on a letter below.



AIDS (Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator)

AAFSW (Association of the American Foreign Service Worldwide)

Abroad (See Overseas)

Accountability Report, Performance and

Addresses and Phone Numbers
(see also Contact Us)

Mailing address:
U.S. Department of State
2201 C St. NW
Washington, DC 20520

Public Communication Division:
PA/PL, Rm. 2206
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20520

Travelers' Hotline

Administration, Bureau of

-- Guidelines for the Foreign Service
-- International
-- Citizenship Issues

Advance Fee Business Scams

Advanced Conventional Weapons

Advisory Council, Overseas Security

Afghanistan Country Page

African Affairs, Bureau of

African American History Month (see Black History Month)

Agency for International Development (USAID)

Agricultural Products, Bringing into the U.S.

Albania Country Page

Algeria Country Page

-- Office of
-- Hardship and Danger Pay
-- Living Quarters
-- Post Allowance (Cost of Living)
-- Education
-- Foreign Per Diem Rates

American Service-Members' Protection Act

Andorra Country Page

Angola Country Page

-- Bringing into or Returning to the U.S.
-- Traveling With Pets

-- OPM and Department of State
-- Public (Travel-related)
-- See also travel warnings and consular information sheets

Antarctic Policy

Anti-corruption Programs
-- See also Global Corruption

Anti-Semitism, Report on Global

Anti-terrorism -- See Counterterrorism

Antigua and Barbuda Country Page

APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

Archives for

Arctic Policy

Argentina Country Page

Armenia Country Page

Arms Control; see
-- International Security and Nonproliferation, Bureau of
-- Verification, Compliance, and Implementation, Bureau of
-- Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of

Arrest or detention of foreign nationals in the U.S. (See Information for Federal, State, and other Local Law Enforcement and Other Officials)

Art in Embassies Program

Article 98 Agreements
-- And the International Criminal Court

-- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
-- East
-- Eurasia
-- South and Central
-- Southeast (included in East Asia)

Assistance, Foreign

Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide (AAFSW)

Athletics, International

Australia Country Page

Austria Country Page

Authentications (Documents)

Au Pair Program

Avian Flu/Influenza

Award for Corporate Excellence

Azerbaijan Country Page

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Background Notes, Country

(The) Bahamas Country Page

Bahrain Country Page

Bangladesh Country Page

Barbados Country Page

Belarus Country Page

Belgium Country Page

Belize Country Page

Benin Country Page

Bhutan Country Page

Bilateral Investment Claims

Bilateral Investment Treaties

Bilateral and de facto Work Agreements

Bioengineering (see Agricultural Biotechnology)

Biographies of Department Officials
-- Alphabetical listing
-- Functional listing

Biological Weapons Convention

Biological Weapons, Nonproliferation of

-- Trade Affairs
-- Agricultural
See also U.S. Regulatory Agencies Unified Biotechnology Website

Bird Flu

Birth Certificates, Obtaining
-- Copies for U.S. citizens born within the United States
-- Copies for U.S. citizens born abroad

Black History Month

Bolivia Country Page

Bonn Guidelines (on Collecting Genetic Resources)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Page

Botswana Country Page

Brazil Country Page

See also
-- Anti-Corruption Initiatives
-- Report to Congress on Battling International Bribery

Broadcast Services, Office of

Brunei Country Page

Budget, International Affairs

Buildings Operations, Office of Overseas

Bureaus, list of:
-- Alphabetically
-- Organizationally

Bulgaria Country Page

Burkina Faso Country Page

Burma Country Page

Burundi Country Page

-- Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs
-- Business and Travel Links
-- Information Center: China
-- Informaton Center: Middle East
-- Information Center: North Africa
-- International Markets
-- Office of Commercial and Business Affairs (see Doing Business in International Markets)
-- Scams, Advance Fee
-- Support

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Cabinet Members of Foreign Countries (and Chiefs of State)

Cambodia Country Page

Cameroon Country Page

Canada Country Page

Cape Verde Country Page

Careers at State (see also the Employment section on the About State Department page)

Central African Republic Country Page

Central America (see Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs)

Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

-- Birth (for U.S. citizens born abroad)
-- Birth (for U.S. citizens born in the U.S.)
-- Death (Report of Death of U.S. citizen abroad)
-- Citizenship (for certain foreign-born children—including adopted children—of U.S. citizens)

Chad Country Page

Chat, Online (see "Ask the State Department")

Chemical Weapons, Nonproliferation of

Chemical Weapons Convention

Chief Information Officer

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Countries (CIA publication)

Child Abduction, International

Chile Country Page

China Country Page

Citizen Exchanges

Citizenship, U.S.
-- Aquiring
-- Dual nationality
-- Renunciation
-- Certificate (for certain foreign-born children—including adopted children—of U.S. citizens)

Civil Rights, Office of

Civilian Police Program, International (CivPol)

Claims and Investment Disputes, International

Clerical Program, Summer

Cochran Fellowship Program (USDA)

Colombia Country Page

Commercial and Business Affairs, Office of (see Doing Business in International Markets)

Commission on Human Rights, UN

Communications and Information, International

Comoros Country Page

-- Bureau of Verification, Compliance and Implementation
-- Defense Trade Controls

Conferences, Arranging public (see Office of Public Liaison)

Confidence and Security-Building Measures (CSBM)

Conflict Diamonds

Congo* Country Page
* Democratic Republic of the Congo

Congo* Country Page
* Republic of the Congo

Congressional Testimony

-- Affairs, Bureau of (see
-- Information Sheets (Information for travelers; now called "Country Specific Information")
-- Notification and Access
-- Offices in the U.S., Foreign

Consulates (and embassies)
-- Web sites
-- Complete list by country and city

Contact the Department of State

Continental Shelf Project , U.S. Extended

Contingency Planning and Peacekeeping, Office of (see Office of Plans, Policy, and Analysis)

Contracting Opportunities (see Office of the Procurement Executive)

Controls, Defense Trade

Conventional Weapons, Advanced

-- Biological Weapons
-- Chemical Weapons
-- Other conventions to which the U.S. is a party (see the Office of the Assistant Legal Advisor for Private International Law

Copyright Information (for material appearing on

Corporate Excellence, Award for

See also Bribery

Costa Rica Country Page

Cote d'Ivoire Country Page

Counselor of the Department


Country Background Notes

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (Human Rights Reports)

-- Consular Assistance to Victims of Crimes Overseas

Crisis Awareness and Preparedness
-- Overseas (Bureau of Consular Affairs)
-- Within the U.S. (Office of Homeland Security)

Croatia Country Page

Cuba Country Page

Cultural Affairs, Bureau of Educational and

Cultural Property Protection

Culturally Significant Properties, Secretary's Register of

Cyprus Country Page

Czech Republic Country Page

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D-Trade (electronic licensing for defense exports)

Danger Pay

De facto (and Bilateral) Work Agreements

-- of Foreign National in the U.S.
-- of U.S. citizen abroad

Defense Trade Controls, Directorate of

Demining (see Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement)

Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of

Denmark Country Page

Deputy Secretary

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources

Detention of Foreign Nationals in the U.S. (See Instructions for Federal, State, and Other Local Law Enforcement and Other Officials)

Development, U.S. Agency for International

Development Finance, Office of

Diamonds, Conflict

Diplomatic Immunity (see also Consular Notification and Access)

Diplomatic List

Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Division
-- Driver's License
-- Liability Insurance (see Financial Responsibility)
-- Motor Vehicle Reciprocity Program
-- Moving Violations, Driving Records, Points System
-- Registration and Titling

Diplomatic Reception Rooms (see also Tour Reservations)

Diplomatic Security, Bureau of
See also
-- Office of Foreign Missions
-- Overseas Advisory Council

Diplomats in Residence (See Diplomats on Campus)

Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources (See Bureau of Human Resources)

Divorce Overseas

Djerejian Report: Changing Minds, Winning Peace

Djibouti Country Page

Document Authentication

Dominica Country Page

Dominican Republic Country Page

Driver's License or Permit
-- for Foreign Diplomats in the U.S.
-- for U.S. citizens traveling abroad, go to international driver's permit section of the AAA site or to the AATA site (these are the only two private companies authorized by the U.S. Department of State to issue international driver's permits).
See also:
Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Division
-- Liability Insurance
-- Motor Vehicle Reciprocity Program
-- Moving Violations, Driving Records, Points System
-- Registration and Titling

Dual Nationality
-- General Information
-- Possible Loss of U.S. Citizenship

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East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Bureau of

East Timor Country Page (see Timor-Leste)

Economic, Energy and Business Affairs, Bureau of

Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, Under Secretary for

Economic Summits (G-8)

Ecuador Country Page

Education and Youth Issues (Foreign Service and other U.S. Government employees overseas)

Education USA
(for international students exploring possibilities for studying in the U.S.)

Education Week, International

Education/Youth/Student Web Site (Department of State)

Educational and Cultural Affairs, Bureau of

Egypt Country Page

El Salvador Country Page

Electronic Subscription Service

Embassies and consulates, List of U.S.
-- With web sites, listed by region then country name
-- Listed by country and city name

Emergency Announcements

Employment Opportunities

Energy Policy

Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International

Equatorial Guinea Country Page

Eritrea Country Page

Estonia Country Page

Ethiopia Country Page

European and Eurasian Affairs, Bureau of

European Union

Evacuation, Post (employee information)

Executive Secretariat

Export Controls
(See also Defense Trade Controls)

Extended Continental Shelf Project, U.S.

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Fact Sheets, Key Policy

Family Liaison Office

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants
-- Citizen Exchanges
-- Cochran Fellowship Program (USDA)
-- Fascell Fellowship Program
-- Federal Grant Opportunities (Government-wide)
-- Fulbright Program
-- Humphrey Fellowships
-- Presidential Management Fellows Program
-- Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program
-- William C. Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program

Fiji Country Page

Finland Country Page

Foreign Affairs Handbooks

Foreign Affairs Manual

Foreign Assistance (USAID)

Foreign Consular Offices in the U.S. (see also Office of Foreign Missions)

Foreign country websites

Foreign Entry Requirements (Visa and/or other entry requirements for U.S. citizens traveling abroad)

Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest (Report)

Foreign Missions, Office of (see also Foreign Consular Offices in the U.S.)

Foreign Nationals
-- Information for law enforcement, judicial, or other Federal, State, and Local officials

Foreign Per Diem Rates

Foreign Press Centers

Foreign Relations of the United States (Official documentary historical record)

Foreign Service
-- Office of the Director General of
-- Employment
-- Family Liaison Office
-- Institute (FSI)
-- Post Information

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (see Republic of Macedonia)

Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program

France Country Page

Free Trade Agreements

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Fulbright Program (student website)

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G-8 Summits

Gabon Country Page

The Gambia Country Page

Genetic Resources/Material, Collecting In Situ

Georgia Country Page

Germany Country Page

Ghana Country Page

Global Affairs, Under Secretary for Democracy and

Global Corruption (see Anticorruption Initiatives)

Global Health

Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (Global Initiative; GI)

Global Publishing Solutions

Grants, Fellowships, and Scholarships
-- Citizen Exchanges
-- Cochran Fellowship Program (USDA)
-- Fascell Fellowship Program
-- Federal Grant Opportunities (Government-wide)
-- Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program
-- Fulbright Program
-- Humphrey Fellowships
-- Presidential Management Fellows Program
-- Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program
-- William C. Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program

Great Seal

Greece Country Page

Grenada Country Page

Guatemala Country Page

Guinea Country Page

Guinea-Bissau Country Page

Guyana Country Page

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Haiti Country Page

Hardship Differentials

Hemispheric Security


Historian, Office of the

History of Foreign Relations

HIV/AIDS (Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator)

Holy See Country Page

Holocaust Issues

Honduras Country Page

Hotline for American Travelers: 202-647-5225

Human Resources, Director General of the Foreign Service and of
See also
-- Office of Civil Rights

Human Rights
-- Reports (Country Reports on Human Rights Practices)
-- UN Commission on

Human Trafficking

-- Assistance (See U.S. Agency for International Development)
-- Mine Action Program
-- Mine Action PCC Subgroup

Humphrey Fellowships

Hungary Country Page

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Iceland Country Page

-- Diplomatic and Consular (see also Consular Notification and Access)
-- From Judicial Seizure -- Cultural Objects

Implementation, Bureau of Verification, Compliance and

India Country Page

Indonesia Country Page

Influenza, Avian

Information and Communication Policy

Information Officer, Chief

Information Programs, Bureau of International

Information Resource Management, Bureau of

Information Technology

Inspector General, Office of

Intellectual Property Enforcement

Intelligence and Research, Bureau of

-- Adoption
-- Affairs Budget
-- Athletics (see International Sports Initiatives)
-- Child Abduction
-- Civilian Police Program
-- Claims and Investment Disputes
-- Criminal Court and Article 98 Agreements
-- Communications Policy
-- Corruption
-- Cultural Property Protection
-- Development, U.S. Agency for
-- Education Week
-- Employment Opportunities
-- Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and
-- Exchange Programs (see Citizen Exchange Programs)
-- Information Programs, Bureau of
-- Judicial Assistance (see Consular Affairs Information and the Office of the Legal Advisor
-- Law
-- Trade/Business Transactions
-- Digest of
-- Private (see also information for Americans traveling abroad)
-- Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of
-- Organization Affairs, Bureau of
-- Parental Child Abduction
-- Religious Freedom
-- Security Operations, Office of
-- Sports Initiatives, Director of
-- Strategic Plan
-- Visitor Leadership Program
-- Women's Issues, Office of

(see also other Student Programs)

Interview Requests
See also
-- Office of Public Liaison
-- Secretary of State

-- Climate Statements
-- Disputes, International Claims and
-- Treaties, Bilateral

Investor-State Arbitrations, NAFTA

Iran Country Page

-- Country Page
-- Jobs in Iraq
-- Reconstruction Contracts

Ireland Country Page

Israel Country Page

Italy Country Page

Ivory Coast Country Page (see Cote d'Ivoire)

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Jamaica Country Page

Japan Country Page

Jordan Country Page


Judgments, Enforcement of

Judicial Assistance, International
-- Private International Law
-- Information for Americans traveling abroad

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Kazakhstan Country Page

Kenya Country Page

Key Officers List

Key Policy Fact Sheets

Kidnaping -- See International Child Abduction

Kiribati Country Page


Korea (North) Country Page

Korea (South) Country Page


Kuwait Country Page

Kyrgyzstan Country Page

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Labor Affairs, Office of International

-- Abandoned Ordnance (see Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement)
-- Humanitarian Mine Action Program
-- Illicit Arms Trafficking (see Small Arms/Light Weapons and MANPADS)
-- Man-portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS)
-- Public-Private Partnerships
-- Small Arms/Light Weapons
-- Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) (see Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement)
-- U.S. Policy

Laos Country Page

Latin America (see Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs)

Latvia Country Page

-- Private International (including Trade/Business Transactions Law; International Judicial Assistance; Wills, Trusts, and Estates; and Family Law)
-- Digest of International

Law Enforcement
-- Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
-- International Civilian Police Program -- CivPol
-- Information for Federal, State, and Local law enforcement officials concerning the rights of Foreign Nationals in the United States (Consular Notification and Access)

Lebanon Country Page

Legal Adviser, Office of the (L)

Legislative Affairs, Bureau of (H)

Lesotho Country Page

Liaison Office, Family

Liaison, Office of Public

Liberia Country Page

Library, State Department (Ralph J. Bunche Library)

Libya Country Page

Licensing, Defense Trade Controls

Licensing, Vehicle (Foreign Diplomats in the U.S.)
-- Drivers License (see Driver Services)
-- Liability Insurance (see Financial Responsibility)
-- Moving Violations, Driving Records, Points System
-- Registration and Titling

Liechtenstein Country Page

Light Weapons/Small Arms, Combating the Spread of

Lithuania Country Page

Listserv® is no longer available. Please sign up through our Electronic Subscription Page.

Living Quarters Allowances (See Quarterly Report Indexes)

Living Costs Abroad (See Quarterly Report Indexes)

Luxembourg Country Page

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Macedonia Country Page (see Republic of Macedonia)

Madagascar Country Page

Malawi Country Page

Malaysia Country Page

Maldives Country Page

Mali Country Page

Malta Country Page

Man-portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS)

Management, Resource

Management, Under Secretary for

Management Policy, Office of

Marriage Abroad

Marshall Islands Country Page

Mass Destruction, Weapons of
See also
-- International Security and Nonproliferation, Bureau of
-- Combating WMD Terrorism
-- Nonproliferation of WMD Expertise

Mauritania Country Page

Mauritius Country Page

-- Country Page
-- U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission

Millennium Challenge Account

Micronesia Country Page

Middle East (see Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs)
-- Partnership Initiative
-- Peace

Migration, Bureau of Population, Refugees and

Missile Defense

Mission, State Department

Missions, List of U.S. (including embassies and consulates)

Moldova Country Page

Monaco Country Page

Money laundering

Mongolia Country Page

Montenegro Country Page

Morocco Country Page

Mozambique Country Page

Multi-media Services (see Global Publishing Solutions)

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-- Investor-State Arbitrations

Namibia Country Page

Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau for


Nauru Country Page

Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of

Nepal Country Page

Netherlands Country Page

Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand Country Page

Nicaragua Country Page

Niger Country Page

Nigeria Country Page

Non-Agricultural Commodities Policy

Nonproliferation; see
-- International Security and Nonproliferation, Bureau of
-- Verification, Compliance, and Implementation, Bureau of
-- Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of

Nonproliferation, Chemical and Biological Weapons

Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund

Northern Ireland Peace Process

North Korea Country Page

Norway Country Page

Notarial and Authentication Services Abroad (Bureau of Consular Affairs)
(See also the Office of Authentication)

Nuclear Nonproliferation
-- Treaty Narrative
-- Treaty Text

Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones

Nurses, Nursing (employment)

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Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs , Bureau of

OAS (Organization of American States)

OECD: U.S. National Contact Point

OSAC (See Overseas Schools Advisory Commission or Overseas Security Advisory Commission)

OSCE (Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe)

Office of Civil Rights

Offices, List of
-- Alphabetical List of Bureaus and Offices
-- Organizational List of Bureaus and Offices

Olympic Games

Oman Country Page

Open Forum

Operating Status (Federal Government)
(see also Emergency Announcements for State Department-specific notices)

Ordnance, abandoned or unexploded (see the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement)

Organization, Department

Organization of American States, The U.S. and

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, U.S. National Contact Point

-- Briefing Center
-- Building Operations, Bureau of
-- Divorce
-- Living
-- Marriage
-- Schools, Office of
-- Schools Advisory Council
-- Security Advisory Council
-- Teaching
-- Returning from

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Pakistan Country Page

Palau Country Page

Panama Country Page

Pandemic, Influenza

Papua New Guinea Country Page

Paraguay Country Page

Parental Child Abduction, International

Passport Forms

Passport Services (U.S. Citizens)

Peacekeeping, Office of Contingency Planning and

PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)

Per Diem Rates, Foreign

Per Diem Rates, Domestic (GSA Website)

Per Diem Rates, Non-contiguous U.S. (Dept. of Defense Website)

Peru Country Page

Performance Plans and Reports

-- Traveling with
-- Returning to the U.S. With

Philippines Country Page

Phone Numbers
-- Department Main Switchboard: 202-647-4000
-- General Inquiries: 202-647-6575
-- Hotline for American Travelers: 202-647-5225
See also
-- Contact Us
-- Country ("Desk") Offices
-- Embassy and Consulate web sites
-- Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts
-- Phone Directory

Photo Gallery and Copyright Information

Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program

Pipeline Permits

Planning and Performance (Resource Management)

Planning Staff, Policy

Plants, Restrictions on bringing into the U.S.


POLAD Coordinator, Office of

Poland Country Page

Police, International Civilian Program


Political Advisors Coordinator (POLAD)

Political-Military Affairs , Bureau of

Political-Military Action Team

Political-Military Policy and Planning Team

Population, Refugees, and Migration , Bureau of

Portugal Country Page

Post Evacuation

Presidential Management Fellows Program

-- Access to events
-- Foreign Press Centers
-- Daily Briefings
-- Interview Requests (Secretary of State)
-- Interview Requests (Other Department officials)
-- Outreach
-- Relations, Office of
-- Releases (Department of State)
-- Releases (Secretary of State)
-- Releases (USAID)

Press Office

Previous Secretaries of State

Private International Law

Protocol, Office of

-- Affairs , Bureau of
-- Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Under Secretary for
-- Liaison, Office of

-- Major Department
-- Publishing (see Global Publishing Solutions)
-- Travel

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Qatar Country Page

Quarters Allowances

Quarterly Report Indexes (living costs abroad, quarters allowances, hardship differentials, and danger pay allowances)

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Reception Rooms, Diplomatic
See also Tour Reservations

Reciprocity Program, Diplomatic Motor Vehicle

Reconstruction Contracts, Iraq

Records (From Abroad)
-- Birth
-- Marriage
-- Divorce
-- Death


Refugees and Migration , Bureau of Population and

Registration, Defense Trade Controls

Registration, Motor Vehicle (Foreign Diplomats in the U.S.)
See also
-- Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Division
-- Driver's License
-- Liability Insurance (see Financial Resposibility)
-- Moving Violations, Driving Records, Points System

Regulations (Foreign Affairs Manual and Handbooks)

Religious Freedom, International

Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship

Resource Management, Bureau of

Retirement (Employee)

Romania Country Page

RSS Feeds

Russia Country Page

Rwanda Country Page

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St. Kitts and Nevis Country Page

St. Lucia Country Page

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Country Page

Samoa Country Page

San Marino Country Page

Sao Tome and Principe Country Page

Saudi Arabia Country Page

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants
-- Citizen Exchanges
-- Cochran Fellowship Program (USDA)
-- Fascell Fellowship Program
-- Federal Grant Opportunities (Government-wide)
-- Fulbright Program
-- Humphrey Fellowships
-- Presidential Management Fellows Program
-- Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program
-- William C. Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program

Science and Technology Adviser

Scientific Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and

Secretariat, Executive

Secretary of State
-- Interview Requests (Press)

Secretary's Open Forum

Security Advisory Council, Overseas

Security-Building Measures, Confidence and

Security Strategy, U.S. National

-- Diplomatic
-- Embassy (Foreign embassies in the U.S.)
-- Embassy (U.S. embassies and missions abroad)
-- International

Senegal Country Page

Special Envoys and Special Representatives

Serbia Country Page

Service-Members' Protection Act, American

Service of Legal Documents Abroad
(See also International Judicial Assistance, Notarial Services
and Authentication of Documents

Seychelles Country Page

Sierra Leone Country Page

Singapore Country Page

Six-Party Talks

Slovakia Country Page

Slovenia Country Page

Small Arms, Combating the Spread of (including light weapons)

Solomon Islands Country Page

Somalia Country Page

South Africa Country Page

South and Central Asian Affairs, Bureau of

South Korea Country Page

Space and Advanced Technology

Spain Country Page

Speakers, Requests for Department

Sports, International

Sri Lanka Country Page

State Department Mission

State Magazine

Stay-in-School Program

Strategic Plan, International

Student/Youth/Education Web Site (Department of State)

Student Internships
(see also Student Programs for more opportunities for students)

Subpoeneas (see International Judicial Assistance, Notarial Services
and Authentication of Documents

Subscription Service, Electronic

Sudan Country Page

Summer Clerical Program

Summits, Economic (G-8)

Suriname Country Page

Sustainable Development
-- Department of State Web site
-- Partnerships Web site (U.S. Government and Partners)

Swaziland Country Page

Sweden Country Page

Switzerland Country Page

Syria Country Page

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Table of Allowances

Tajikistan Country Page

Tanzania Country Page

Teaching Overseas

Technology Adviser, Science and

Telephone Numbers
-- Central Switchboard: 202-647-4000
-- General Inquiries: 202-647-6575
-- Hotline for American Travelers: 202-647-5225
See also
-- Country ("Desk") Offices
-- Embassy web sites
-- Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts
-- Telephone Directory

Terrorism -- See Counterterrorism
See also
-- Talking to Youths About War and Crisis
-- Preparing for the unexpected (Department of Homeland Security)

Textile Trade Affairs (including apparel)

Testimony, Congressional

Thailand Country Page

Timor-Leste Country Page

Togo Country Page

Tonga Country Page

Tort Claims

Tours, Diplomatic Reception Rooms
-- Reservations
-- Virtual tour
-- See also Art in Embassies (virtual tours)

Trade and Investment
-- Business Support
-- Disputes
-- Free Trade Agreements
-- Middle East Initiatives
-- Transactions Law

Trade Controls, Defense

Trade Reports (see Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices)

Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP)

Transactions Law, Trade/Business

Transformational Diplomacy


-- Alerts (relatively short-term conditions that pose significant risks or disruptions to Americans)
-- Warnings (issued when the State Department recommends that Americans avoid a certain country)
-- Country Specific Information (formerly called Consular Information Sheets)
-- Emergencies and Crises (Overseas)
-- Crisis Awareness and Preparedness (Office of Homeland Security)

-- Documents
-- Health Information (Centers for Disease Control)
-- Publications from the Bureau of Consular Affairs
Traveler's Hotline: 202-647-5225

Treaty, Treaties
-- In Force
-- Actions
-- Arms Control (including Nonproliferation, Test Ban, and more)
(see also Office of the Legal Advisor)

Tribal Consultation

Trinidad and Tobago Country Page

Tunisia Country Page

Turkey Country Page

Turkmenistan Country Page

Tuvalu Country Page

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Uganda Country Page

Ukraine Country Page

Under Secretary for
-- Arms Control and International Security
-- Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
-- Global Affairs
-- Management
-- Political Affairs
-- Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

United Arab Emirates Country Page

United Kingdom Country Page

United Nations
-- Bureau of International Organization Affairs
-- Confidence and Security-Building Measures
-- Employment opportunities
-- U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN (and U.S. Mission to the UN) (New York City)

Universal Periodic Review

Uruguay Country Page


UXO (see Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement)

Uzbekistan Country Page

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Vanuatu Country Page

Venezuela Country Page

Verification, Compliance, and Implementation, Bureau of

Video Production

Vietnam Country Page

Visa Bulletin (Immigrant Numbers for current month)

Visa Information
-- For foreign citizens traveling to the U.S. (permanent or temporary basis)
-- For U.S. citizens traveling abroad (see Consular Information Sheets)
-- Fraudulent Visa Web Sites Warning
-- J Visa Waivers

Visiting Scholars Program, Foster Fellows

Visitor Program, International

Vital Records

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War Crimes Issues, Office of

Weapons Conventions
-- Biological
-- Chemical

Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat

Weapons, Light (Small Arms)

Western Hemisphere Affairs, Bureau of

William C. Foster Fellows Visiting Scholars Program

Women's History Month

Women's Issues, Office of International

Work Arrangements, Bilateral and de facto

Work Study Program
(See Stay-in-School Program)

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No listings at present


Yemen Country PageYouth/Education/Student Web Site (Department of State)

Youth Programs (Citizen Exchanges)


Zambia Country PageZimbabwe Country Page

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