Global Partnership Initiative

Through the Global Partnership Initiative, the Department of State

  • Is a convener, bringing together people from across regions and sectors to work together on issues of common interest.
  • Is a catalyst, launching new projects, actively seeking new solutions, providing vital training and technical assistance to facilitate additional projects.
  • Is a collaborator, working closely with our partners to plan and implement projects – avoiding duplication, learning from each other, maximizing our impact by looking for best practices.

The Global Partnership Initiative located in the Office of the Secretary of State, is being led by the Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley, and the Deputy Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Kris Balderston. Follow the latest initiatives at TwitterTwitter and signup for email updates.

Date: 10/01/2009 Description: President Obama gives remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative. © State Dept ImageDate: 10/01/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton gives remarks at the Global Philanthropy Forum. © State Dept ImageDate: 10/01/2009 Description: Ambassador Bagley gives remarks at her Swearing In Ceremony. © State Dept Image

Date: 10/01/2009 Description: Link to the Guide to Partnering with the Department of State.
            © State Dept ImageDate: 10/01/2009 Description: Link to the article: 'Toward a Multi-Partner World,' published in State Magazine. © State Dept ImageDate: 10/01/2009 Description: Click to submit your Partnership Proposal.
            © State Dept Image

More >> Other Highlights of Recent GPI Activities


Date: 03/17/2010 Description: Glass of Water © Launch
State Department Partners With

March 18, 2010

Founding Partners NASA, NIKE, Inc., USAID, and the U.S. Department of State today announced LAUNCH, an initiative whose mission is to identify, showcase and support innovative approaches to humanity’s sustainability challenges through a series of forums. The first forum, LAUNCH: Water, takes place at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center March 16th -18th, 2010. Press Release» Launch»

 Date: 11/13/2009 Description: White House Logo © White House Image

President’s Faith-Based Advisory Council Calls for A New Era of Partnerships

March 15, 2010

In their recommendations to the President about partnering with faith-based and neighborhood groups, the President’s Advisory Council called for new cross-sector collaborations on key domestic and foreign policy issues.  Special Representative Bagley thanked them for their recommendations and their vision for a new approach “where partnerships will empower the United States to achieve its foreign affairs aims while promoting the common good.” Remarks» White House Partnerships Blog» White House Advisory Council Report»

Date: 06/24/2009 Description: Global Business Coalition Logo © Global Business Coalition

A Call for Networked Solutions on Global Health Issues

March 15, 2010

Special Representative Bagley outlined the Secretary of State’s priorities for global health when addressing an audience of key business leaders at the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.  “We live in an interconnected world,” she explained, “where all of our challenges are linked, but also where all of the answers we come up with must be networked solutions.” Remarks»

Date: 03/10/2010 Description: Summit on the Summit © Summit on the Summit

Summit on the Summit

March 8, 2010

To raise awareness about the fact that one billion people lack access to clean water, the State Department is exhibiting photographs taken of the actors, activists, and musicians who participated in the Summit On the Summit climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Special Representative Bagley honored this group at the State Department, stating that “With every step that these climbers took, they brought us all one step closer to the serious action that this crisis demands.” Remarks»



Date: 03/01/2010 Description: Netherlands Development Organization © Netherlands Development Organization

Investing for Impact

Febuary 25, 2010

Special Representative Elizabeth Frawley Bagley addressed the topic of impact investing at a panel hosted by the Royal Netherlands Embassy, where she explained that encouraging social and environmental impacts, in addition to traditional economic returns, can lead to better business around the world. Full Text»

Date: 01/23/2010 Description: Boxes of food rations are stacked at a refugee camp in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. © AP Image

Private Sector Donations to Haiti

Feb. 1, 2010

Anyone wishing to donate or provide assistance in Haiti following the devastating earthquake should visit USAID’s Help for Haiti website, where there are hundreds of critical needs posted by nonprofits working in Haiti. You can receive further guidance by sending a message to, which will immediately send an auto-response providing detailed information on ways to respond. More information» 


Date: 11/19/2009 Description: Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship Logo © White House Image

America has entered a new era of engagement through partnerships with the private sector and civil society; and one of the most noteworthy opportunities for partnerships will be the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship to be held early in 2010. Click the image above if you are interested in learning more about partnering with the U.S. Government on Summit activities. More»