Office of Global Women's Issues

Date: 12/16/2009 Description: Global Women's Issues photos showing women holding flowers, sitting at sewing machines, and marching. © AP Images

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The Office of Global Women's Issues, led by Ambassador-at-Large Melanne Verveer, works for the political, economic, and social empowerment of women.


MOU for the Advancement of Women
Secretary Clinton and Brazilian Foreign Minister Amorim signed a "Memorandum of Understanding for the Advancement of Women." Fact Sheet» Remarks»
Media Note on four Pathways' Women Entrepreneurs who were honored at an awards ceremony.

Ambassador Verveer and the staff of S/GWI are greatly saddened to learn of the deaths in Haiti of human rights champions Myriam Merlet, Magalie Marcelin and Anne Marie Coriolan, the latest tragic news to reach us from that country. We join other parts of the State Department, the U.S. Government, and the international community in supporting the world's rescue and relief efforts. Please commemorate the lives and achievements of these extraordinary and courageous women by contributing to the relief effort today. You can text "HAITI" to "90999" to donate $10 from your cell phone, or contact the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund with your larger donation.

International Violence Against Women Act»
Ambassador Verveer's Blog Post: Ending Violence Against Women Is a Foreign Policy Priority»

Helping the Women of Afghanistan
Ambassador Verveer's Feb. 23, 2010 Testimony»
Advancing the Rights of Women and Girls: Media Note» Fact Sheet»
The U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council»

Secretary Clinton's statement on "Elimination of Violence Against Women" Day

Partnering With the Democratic Republic of the Congo Against Gender-Based Violence»

View Slideshow on Dipnote»


 Secretary Clinton (Mar. 12): "The world cannot make lasting progress if women and girls in the 21st century are denied their rights and left behind." Full Text»
 Secretary Clinton (Mar. 10): "This is an extraordinary day...when we present to you some of the women who personify the courage that really is required in so many places still to stand up for women’s rights." Full Text» More»
 Secretary Clinton (Mar. 8): "March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights, and to recognize what work remains to be done." Full Text»
 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Full Text» Interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show»

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