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Stipend and Salary Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out how I am being paid?

Before each academic year begins, you will receive a letter of financial support from the Student Services Office that will explain if you are getting paid stipend or salary, and when to expect your checks.

What is the difference between being paid stipend versus salary?

Students being paid stipend will receive their stipend check at the beginning of each quarter. Taxes will NOT be removed from your stipend check unless you are an international student, so you will be responsible for paying quarterly estimated taxes to the IRS. Students being paid salary will receive a bi-weekly paycheck on the 7th and 22nd of each month. Taxes WILL be removed from your salary check before you receive money.

Is there a way to get my University bill automatically paid with my stipend or salary?

Yes! If you are being paid a stipend, all of your quarterly fees on the University Bill (with the exception of your cable bill) will be paid before you receive your check. If you are being paid salary, you must set up payroll deductions EVERY ACADEMIC YEAR for this to happen. You can sign up for Payroll Deductions on Axess.

**For more complicated tax questions, submit a HelpSU ticket choosing "Central Office Issues" as the request.**

What if I am switching between the two payment systems (Fellowship to Salary)?

Switching between the two payment systems requires careful budgeting. For example if the fellowship ends after the Summer Quarter, and you have an RA appointment for Fall Quarter, you will receive your Summer stipend payment at the beginning of that quarter in June. You will not receive your first paycheck until October 22, as the Fall Quarter does not begin until October 1 (Payroll terms) and you are paid for the first half of the month (October 1-15) on October 22nd for the second half of the month (October 16-31) the following month on November 7th.

What is the Campus Health Services fee and do I have to pay it?

The Campus Health Service Fee covers many of the services provided at Vaden Health Center. The fee is mandatory for all graduate students enrolled on the Stanford campus, including visiting researchers that result in course credit at Stanford. Implementation of this fee has allowed the university to maintain valuable health services for students. *The amount of the fee is subject to annual review and adjustment.

All students must pay the Vaden Health fee, unless you are on a NSF Fellow. If on a NSF your department covers the fee. There is a 1% late fee for payments (e.g. campus health fee) not made after a due date.

It is important to note that students are also required to maintain health insurance to cover the costs of specialty care, prescriptions, emergency care, inpatient care, and other off-campus health services. This requirement can be met either by purchasing Cardinal Care (Stanford's student health insurance plan) or an alternative insurance plan that has comparable benefits to Cardinal Care.

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