Stanford Biosciences lab bench from above

Academic Resources and Assistance

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)

The VPGE provides a wealth of online resources and a multitude of programs and workshops on a wide range of topics, including resources on establishing and maintaining good advising relationships.

The Lane Library

The Lane Library provides research and information facilities to students and staff of Stanford University and Medical Center. With rapid advences in bioinformatics and molecular biology, it has become increasingly difficult to select the right tool for a given project. Thus, Lane Library's Bioresearch Informationist program was established to assist scientists and clinicians to choose the appropriate tools for their needs.

Stanford Libraries Across Campus

The Stanford University Libraries include Green Library (the main campus library), Lathrop Library (technology services & study spaces), 14 specialized branch and department libraries, and 3 auxiliary libraries housing less-used or overflow materials. Five coordinate libraries, connected to graduate schools and other organizations, have their own websites and policies. The collections of all these libraries are indexed in Search Works .

Meyer Library Tech Desk

You can print posters, check out equipment (camcorders, projectors, laptops, etc.) and get tech help at the Tech Desk.

Center For Teaching and Learning

CTL engages and supports the Stanford community to bring research-based learning and teaching principles into shared understanding, public dialog, and intentional daily practice, both inside and outside the classroom. CTL provides support and resources for TAs through workshops and consulting.

Hume Center for Writing and Speaking

The Hume Center for Writing and Speaking provided tutoring, workshops, and writing boot camps that help gradute students write papers and articles, fellowship applications, dissertation chapter, research statements, and job material. The Oral Communication Program provides opportunities for students to improve their presentation and communication skills through courses, workshops, and feedback

The Office of Accessible Education

The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) offers comprehensive resources for students with disabilities, providing a wide array of accommodations, support services, auxiliary aids and programs to remove barriers to full participation in the life of the University.

Schwab Learning Center

The Schwab Learning Center (SLC) offers students with learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder a wide array of state-of-the-art services and resources to enrich the learning and research opportunities at Stanford.

Core Research Facilities

Students have access to a number of shared research facilities housing specialized scientific instruments and services. These include 19 scientific Service Centers, which are open to all researchers in the University at predetermined fees, and a number of Cores, which house equipment shared among a group of labs.

Office of the Ombudsperson

Students with complaints or disputes that cannot be resolved within the Home Program should consider contacting the Office of the Ombudsperson for impartial and independent advice. Conversations with the Ombuds are confidential.

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