Collage of Stanford Biosicences students using pipettes for research

Diversity Resources and Partnerships

School of Medicine diversity offices

In addition to the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, we have several other offices committed to fostering diversity within the Biosciences and the School of Medicine.

The School of Medicine Graduate Programs and Diversity Office

Stanford University believes that a student body that is both highly qualified and diverse in terms of culture, class, race, gender, ethnicity, work, and life experiences is essential to the education process. Therefore, Stanford is an active proponent of diversity throughout all levels of higher education, with the Biosciences Home Programs and the School of Medicine equally dedicated to these goals. Our graduate programs are dedicated to training students from diverse backgrounds for careers in the biological and biomedical sciences, and the promotion of diversity in graduate education through outreach and mentorship programs is a key facet of the School of Medicine's strategic plan.

In keeping with this mission, the Office of Graduate Education and the School of Medicine have spearheaded many efforts to encourage and support the participation of students from diverse backgrounds in Stanford's graduate programs and beyond. We are pleased to sponsor the Stanford Summer Research Program in Biomedical Sciences, yearly talks on diversity in graduate education, and attend national scientific meetings targeted to students of color.

Office of Genetics Diversity and Outreach

The diversity and outreach programs within Stanford's Genetics Department expand the recruiting efforts and activities for a diverse student body within the Stanford Genome Training Program, creating a pipeline of diversity into genomics and the biosciences.

Office of Diversity and Leadership (ODL)

The Stanford University School of Medicine's ODL aims to promote diversity in academic medicine and in the future practicing physicians' workforce.

Center of Excellence and Diversity in Medical Education (COEDME)

Stanford University School of Medicine COEDME is committed to increasing the number of under-represented doctors and healthcare leaders, ensuring equal access to quality healthcare for the United States' increasingly diverse society. The COE offers programs that support under-represented students over a broad span—from middle school through medical school and beyond.


A number of organizations work to build community in and between specific groups at Stanford.

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