Close up Stanford Biosciences student working on a fellowship application

Graduate Fellowships

While the Stanford Biosciences guarantees funding for all of our students who are in good standing, applying for fellowships is an important part of your graduate training. It develops your scientific (and grant) writing skills as well as rigorously clarifies and deepens your research. Whether you choose a career in industry or academia, developing and communicating ideas is critical in all career pathways. Finally, receiving additional graduate fellowships is an honor and has positive career benefits.

What resources are available to help me write a fellowship?

Stanford Biosciences Grant Writing Academy — supports graduate students in developing and articulating research strategies to tackling important scientific questions.

Stanford Biosciences Student Association (SBSA) Fellowship Mentoring Program — equips students with resources to become better writers.

Hume Center for Writing and Speaking — helps Stanford students develop rich and varied abilities in every aspect of writing.

How do I find fellowships I am eligible for?

  • See the right-hand sidebar on this page for quick links to fellowships most commonly awarded to Biosciences students.
  • Download a comprehensive list of graduate funding opportunities generated by the Stanford's Research Management Group (RMG) and search by deadline or research topic. Download the list here.
  • Stanford internal funding opportunities for graduate students can be found here.

What is Stanford's internal proposal deadline for fellowships?

Stanford policy requires that all applications for outside graduate fellowships must be routed through the Research Management Group at least 5 working days prior to the sponsor's deadline. For RMG's Fellowship Guidelines please see here. Please also use the required processing guidelines and the proposal checklist when preparing all applications.

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