Close up Stanford Biosciences student working on a fellowship application

Grant Writing Academy

More than just grant writing

The Stanford Biosciences Grant Writing Academy supports graduate and postdoctoral trainees in developing and articulating research strategies to tackle important scientific questions.

What we do:

  • Support trainees in creating proposals and productive writing practice
  • Train in effective writing and editing
  • Empower trainees to solicit and provide constructive feedback
  • Provide coaching, editing, and review for fellowships, grants, and scientific writings

Why we do it:

  • Writing rigorously clarifies and deepens your independent research
  • Articulating research priorities increases productivity and impact
  • Developing and communicating ideas is critical in all career pathways
  • Reviewing feedback improves your writing
  • Soliciting and providing feedback strengthens mentoring relationships
  • Securing funding is an honor and has positive career benefits

Please see below for grant writing workshops and trainings. If you have any questions, please contact us.



Specific Aims Mini Course - BIOS 243

Learn techniques for developing a one-page executive summary of your research plan, e.g. Specific Aims page for a fellowship or career development award. The lectures will also provide tips for deciphering program announcements and review criteria, as well as strategies for career development and research plan sections. Participants will work in two small group sessions, led by a trained Grant Coach, and receive feedback focused in generating concise and clear aims that are specific, measurable and realistic.

Required lectures 2/4 & 2/18, 1-3pm in LKSC 120 plus 2 small group sessions in MSOB X140. Enrollment deadline is 1/23/15.

Postdoc required lectures on 2/4 & 2/18, 1-3pm in LKSC 120 plus small group sessions in MSOB X140. Please register for only one session. Course is first come, first served and has limited capacity.

  • Session A Tuesday, February 10 & February 24, 11am-1pm
  • Session B Tuesday, February 10 & February 24, 3pm-5pm
  • Session C Wednesday, February 11 & February 25, 11am-1pm
  • Session D Thursday, February 12 & February 26, 9am-11am
  • Session E Thursday, February 12 & February 26, 4pm-6pm

Grant Writing Academy Resubmission Course

The Resubmission Seminar Series is designed for applicants resubmitting fellowships or career development awards. Learn effective techniques to address reviewers' comments and concerns. Registration coming soon. Late spring to early summer 2015

The Art and Science of Writing Fellowships and Career Development Awards

Kick-off event for the Grant Writing Academy Autumn 2015 Course

This seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects important to the proposal writing process. Participants are taught tips and tricks for writing more effective fellowship and career development awards.

Attendance at The Art and Science of Writing Fellowships and Career Development Awards is prerequisite of the Grant Writing Academy Autumn 2015 Course. Registration coming soon. Late July

Writing in the Sciences

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review. In the first four weeks, we will review principles of effective writing, examples of good and bad writing, and tips for making the writing process easier. In the second four weeks, we will examine issues specific to scientific writing, including: authorship, peer review, the format of an original manuscript, and communicating science for lay audiences. Register here. Weekly 9/2 to 10/26; Also available on Youtube

Writing Successful Fellowship and Career Development Awards

Participants develop proposals through guided exercises with an emphasis on establishing writing practice, in-class peer review and focused faculty feedback. The Art and Science of Writing Fellowship and Career Development Awards is a prerequisite. Registration coming soon. Autumn 2015

NRSA Computer Lab Training Sessions

Required training for all pre-doctoral and postdoctoral fellows who are submitting NIH NRSA F series applications. Register here.

K Computer Lab Training Sessions

Required training for all postdoctoral fellows and optional for Instructors and faculty who are submitting NIH K series applications. Register here.

Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities

A comprehensive list of postdoctoral funding opportunities that can be searched by deadline or research topic. Download list here.

Graduate Funding Opportunities

A comprehensive list of graduate funding opportunities that can be searched by deadline or research topic. Download list here.

Stanford Policy

Stanford policy requires that all applications for outside Pre-Doctoral & Postdoctoral Fellowships must be routed through your Institutional Representative at least 5 working days prior to the sponsor's deadline.

Graduate Fellowships

A collection of grant and fellowship applications and resources. Learn More


Stanford Biosciences Student Association (SBSA) Fellowship Mentoring Program. Learn More


Quick answers to frequently asked fellowship questions. Learn More

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