CIFE 2014 Summer Program


 CIFE Summer Program: --- June 10-11.

The theme of the program this year is Status and Promise of Virtual Design and Construction.

CIFE described Virtual Design and Construction in 2002 and suggested specific breakthrough objectives for organizations in the CIFE community, including:

red bullet   Schedule: construct at least some major projects in 6 months or less from ground-break to high-value occupancy. (The argument for this objective is that the owners would like it and physics completely allows it: only organization and process drive longer AEC construction durations. In recent years, now famous Internet videos show Chinese contractors dramatically exceeding this target.)
red bullet   Cost variance to budget < 5%.
red bullet   Delivered quality with 0-variance from project “Program” specification, as assessed by occupants in formal. Post-Occupancy Evaluation.
red bullet   Sustainability 25% better than  2002 baseline, which we updated to 50% a few years ago as energy efficiency issues rose to a forefront around the world.
red bullet   Globalization >= 50% of supply (of product, materials and services) and sales, at least potentially.

The CIFE community embraced the concept of breakthrough. Tthe 2012 Summer Program had dramatic reports on progress toward breakthrough performance by designers and builders.  More recently, we have conducted a number of surveys of CIFE membera and individual project performance. Findings consistently show that, for current major milestone outcome and weekly production control metrics,

red bullet   Performance is often unknown.
red bullet   The gap between typical and best is often significant.
red bullet   Target best in 5 years is marginally to significantly higher than current best.
red bullet   Respondents seek improved performance across a range of areas across multiple measures of both current performance and future targets for outcome and production management metrics.

This year, we will discuss the Status and Promise of Virtual Design and Construction as it relates to both the emergence of great breakthrough and the increasingly clear gap between best, typical and worst current and target future performance.

Specific sessions will discuss:

red bullet   BIM for Facilities Management.
red bullet   Metrics on performance and future targets.
red bullet   VDC Automation in support of design and construction.
red bullet   Applications of VDC in practice.

Last modified Mon, 21 Apr, 2014 at 9:17