Technical Advisory Committee 2014


Wednesday, April 9, 4 PM
Thursday, April 10, all day

Meeting Location - CIFE, The Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Room 292

Wednesday, April 09
4:00 Welcome, CIFE Update - J. Kunz
4:15 Sustainable Target Value (STV) Design – Sarah Russell-Smith
4:30 MDO for Integrated Infrastructure Design and Analysis – Forest Flager
4:45 Summary of current top initiatives of member organizations and opportunities for synergy - Members
5:30 - - Social Hour - -
  Thursday, April 10
8:00 - - Continental Breakfast - -
8:20 Welcome and Overview of the Day - J. Kunz
8:35 2014-08 Uncovering Best Practices for Data-Driven Facility Management and Maintenance, with Implications for Design and Construction Decisions
M. Fischer, M. Lepech, A. Kavousian, P. Shiel
8:55 Review forms; next speaker setup
9:00 2014-02: Methodology for Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing of High Performance Building Façade Segment Optimized to Environmental Constraints
M. Fischer, V. Bazjanac, N. Mrazovic
9:20 Review forms; next speaker setup
9:25 2014-07: Impact of VDC Metrics - What should we Measure?  - M. Fischer, C. Kam, S. Jones, D. Senaratna, A. Celoza, I. Leung
9:45 Review forms; next speaker setup
9:50 2014-04: Optimizing Green Building Ventilation Based on Indoor Air Quality Measurements and Energy Consumption
L. Hildeman, O. Fringer, K. Cheng
10:10 Review forms; next speaker setup
10:15 - - Break - -
10:35 2014-10: A Simulation-Based Approach to Accounting for Uncertainty and Variability in Look-Ahead Planning
M. Fischer, J. Choo, N. Garcia-Lopez
10:55 Review forms; next speaker setup
11:00 2014-11: Managing Construction Parts – From Manufacturing to Construction
M. Fischer, C. Kam, B. Schwegler, C. Chi, D. Hall, N. Zhao, S. Tao, H. Chen
11:20 Review forms; next speaker setup
11:25 2014-03: Total Value for Client: Wellbeing-Sustainability-Target Value Design as an Integrated Triple Bottom Line Approach
K. Law, R. Fruchter, F. Grey
11:45 Review forms; next speaker setup
11:50 2014-05: Enhancing Decision-Making on Sustainable Building Projects Using Influence Diagrams
M. Lepech, R. Shachter, K. Abraham
12:10 Review forms
12:15 - - Lunch - -
1:15 2014-09 Integrating Infrastructure for Improved Life-Cycle Performance
M. Fischer, M. Lepech, F. Flager, R. Best
1:35 Review forms; next speaker setup
1:40 2014-01: Leveraging Pre-Construction BIM for Weekly Scope-Schedule-Cost (SSC) Field Planning by Construction Crews
M. Fischer, M. Walton, F. Peterson
2:00 Review forms; next speaker setup
2:05 2014-06 Impact of Material Characteristics on Construction and Lifecycle Performance of Buildings
M. Fischer, S. Billington
2:25 Review forms
2:30 - - Break - -
2:50 Selection of Projects
5:00 Adjourn

Printable Agenda

MEMBERS ONLY: view proposals