Current Graduate Students

Current Graduate Students

Thank you for being part of the Stanford Electrical Engineering community! Here you will find links to helpful information during your time as a Stanford graduate student.

Degree Progress & Academic Policies

For each Stanford advanced degree, there is an approved course of study that meets both University requirements described in the Stanford Bulletin, as well as Department requirements described in the EE Graduate Handbook.

  • For the list of the most current EE courses and other Stanford courses, visit Stanford's Explore Courses site.
  • Download the EE Graduate Handbook for detailed program and course requirements, and visit Stanford's Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education Policies & Planning page.
  • Visit the Stanford Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures site for the GAP Guide.
  • For degree progress infographics and a list of people who can help with questions, visit the EE Graduate Degree Progress page.

Course Assistantships & Graders

A Course Assistant (CA) is a graduate or coterminal student who works part time helping an instructor with a class. The CA's responsibilities can include office hours for individual student assistance, review or study sessions, occasional lectures, preparation of assignments, grading exams and projects, and solutions. A CA for a laboratory class may also be responsible for laboratory supervision, equipment, or demonstrations. The department also accepts grader applications for each quarter and summer session.

Advising & Other Resources

Need some help along your degree path? During your time at Stanford, there's no doubt you will be interested in meeting with an advisor and connecting to each other and the world via technology. You may also need other kinds of help along the way.

  • For advising help, visit the VPGE Advising and Mentoring page.
  • For information about network registration, wireless networks, computer clusters, and other IT resources, visit our IT Resources page.
  • For EE lab safety guidelines and emergency procedures, visit our Building Health & Safety page.
  • For anything else you might need along the way, visit the VPGE site

Graduate Life

Looking for other things to do outside of academics? There's so much to do at Stanford!

Career Resources

You'll want some help as you transition into your career or other next steps. There are several Stanford resources for job listings and career preparation.