Grader FAQs

Does my AXESS timecard need to be completed each pay period?

Yes, your AXESS timecard must be completed for each pay period by 10:00 a.m. on the 13th and 28th of each month. You must enter your work time hours in your AXESS timecard online, print this timecard, receive your supervisor’s signature for verification of accurate time worked, and submit it to Teresa Nguyen in Packard 164 by the previously mentioned deadlines. It is important that you complete and submit your timecard on time in order to be paid.  Please note that the actual pay periods fall from the 1st-15th of the month and from the 16th to the end of the month. 

How many hours can I work as a Grader?

Graduate Division policy states that students on full fellowship, a 50% assistantship, or a 50% appointment may work a maximum of eight (8) additional hours per week. International students on F and J Visas are not permitted to work in addition to any 50% or twenty (20) hour per week assistantship or appointment. The hours worked, as a course grader should be based on the course class enrollment and not solely on the maximum allotted hours as specified in the Graduate Division policy. The Department’s policy is that you provide 15 minutes of support per student per assignment.

Can I be a grader for multiple classes?

Yes. However, the total amount of hours spent working for all classes must meet the requirements as stated in the Graduate Division policy.

How do I report my time (i.e. hours worked)?

The work week starts at 12:01AM on Mondays to 12:00AM on Sundays. For example, a student who is eligible to grade 8 hours/week graded on Tuesday, 4/14/13, from 11am-3pm & Wednesday, 4/15/13, from 1pm-4pm. In this scenario, this grader will be able to start grading the next 8 hours/week on Monday, 4/20/13.  More information about reporting your hours and instructions on how to report your time can be found at

Can I work more than the maximum hours allocated?

If you find that you are working more than 8 hours per day or 20 hours per week grading, please contact the department immediately at The department reserves the right to refuse payment for any hours worked in excess of the maximum allotted excess of 50% assistantship, a maximum of 20 hours per week. No one is permitted to work more than 8 hours per day or 20 hours per week.

Do I need to take scheduled rest breaks when grading?

Yes, University policy as stated in the Stanford Administrative Guide (22.4) specifies that if you work more than five hours, you must take at least one 30‐ minute meal break before beginning work again. Additionally, you must report your rest break hours on your timesheet.

What is the pay rate for Graders in the Electrical Engineering Department?

Hourly pay rate is $15.50 for undergraduate students and $16.50 for graduate students.

Which forms must be completed before I begin work as a Grader?

Upon hire, graders MUST complete the following forms, W‐4 and I‐9. Graders cannot be compensated without completing these forms.

Where can I find the necessary payroll forms?

All Payroll forms, W‐4 and I‐9, are available to download at under the Student Info/Payroll section. Payroll forms must be submitted to Teresa Nguyen in Packard 164.

How do I receive my paycheck?

Hourly employees whom do not receive a check elsewhere on campus or whom have not enrolled in a direct deposit option may pick‐up checks on the 7th and 22nd of each month after 10:00AM from Teresa Nguyen in Packard 164. In the event that any of the dates listed falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding business day applies. Compensation for students on assistantship appointments will be added to the assistantship check.

For more information on how to enroll in direct deposit in AXESS, please view the following website: