IT Resources for Students

Network Registration

In order to connect to the wired and wireless networks of the Electrical Engineering buildings (David Packard, Allen/Allen-X, Gates, Spilker), your computer needs to be registered in the network database. To initiate the registration process, please fill out the applicable form via the following links:

Wireless Networks

The following wireless networks are accessible (by building):

  • David Packard: Stanford, EE-WiFi, Stanford Visitor, eduroam
  • Allen/Allen-X: Stanford, EE-WiFi, Stanford Visitor, eduroam
  • Gates Computer Science: Stanford, ofwifi
  • Spilker: Stanford, Stanford Visitor, eduroam

Description of Wireless Networks:

  • Stanford: the university-wide wireless network (for Stanford affiliates and sponsored guests)
  • EE-WiFi: production-level wireless network (David Packard), experimental OpenFlow network (Allen/Allen-X)
  • ofwifi: experimental OpenFlow network
  • Stanford Visitor: self-registered visitor wireless network (Internet access only)
  • eduroam: inter-institutional secure wireless service for higher education institution affiliates 

Plotter Information

The Packard Building has a plotter (HP DesignJet 4000) which can be used to print posters for conferences and project presentations. Read instructions.

Computer Cluster Information

There is a PC-based computer cluster for EE student use, located in David Packard room 051 (basement).  

General Systems & Network Support

If general support is needed for computing and networking issues in the EE buildings, send an e-mail to For more specific support/guidance, please contact the following staff (by building):

Stanford IT Services Resources

EE affiliates can get support/guidance on these services provided by Stanford IT university-wide:

 Personal Website Resources

Stanford IT Services now heavily favors Drupal as the primary web platform for new university-related websites. This site uses the Drupal open source Content Management System (CMS). All Stanford affiliates are strongly encouraged to use the Stanford Sites service to support their university work, which installs a Drupal-ready web framework on a university server. Site owners can assign authoring, editing and publishing tasks to anyone they'd like without the need to know any programming languages.

For larger university groups, several Stanford-themed Drupal templates are available from IT services.

For questions about Drupal and its use across campus, please visit and become part of the Stanford Tech Commons.

Other Web & Collaboration Tools

Stanford IT Services provides many useful web-based tools and services to manage documents and online content, in addition to Drupal, including WordPress, document management (Box), forms, survey tools and more.