Percent Agreeing that Government Should Take Care of People Who Can’t Take Care of Themselves


Percent of population who “completely agree” or “mostly agree” that it is the responsibility of the government to take care of people who can’t take care of themselves.


Methodological Notes: 

The exact question wording is, “Now I am going to read you another series of statements on some different topics. For each statement, please tell me if you completely agree with it, mostly agree with it, mostly disagree with it, or completely disagree with it…It is the responsibility of the government to take care of people who can’t take care of themselves.”

This question was asked in polls conducted in April 1987, May 1988, May 1990, May 1992, May 1993, July 1994, November 1997, September 1999, July 2002, July 2003, December 2006, March 2009, September 2011, and April 2012.