Physician Scientist Track

We have successfully had residents on all three pathways in residency.

At Stanford, we have long been supportive in cultivating and fostering the careers of physician scientists. We offer an additional separate match for MD/PhD residents interested in research – both the Physician Scientist Track (4 positions) and Categorical Track (20 positions) are available to MD/PhD residency candidates. 

For those on the Physician Scientist Track, we can allow three different potential schedules, depending on your interests:

  1. Categorical Pathway (with 6 months research/elective time)
  2. Accelerated Research Pathway (2 years residency + 4 years fellowship; allows for an extra year of research during fellowship)
  3. Integrated Research Pathway (3 years residency + 3 years fellowship; allows for eight months of research + additional clinical elective during residency)

More details can be found in the schedule page.


The philosophy of the Pediatric Residency Program at Stanford is to teach pediatric medicine by providing a broad-based exposure to the field through an optimal balance between general pediatrics, critical care and the pediatric subspecialties. We are committed to integrating service and education by offering:

  • Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient clinical experiences
  • Multiple interfaces between research and clinical care
  • Diverse opportunities for child advocacy

The mission of our research track is to cultivate and foster the clinical and research abilities of physician-scientists who are dedicated to improving children’s health through their research and leadership. We do this by stimulating and developing:

  • Excellence and responsibility in patient care
  • Outstanding research abilities
  • Critical thinking and questioning
  • Technical competence
  • Sound medical judgment and professional integrity
  • Commitment to self-directed and life-long learning