Scholarly Concentrations

The goal of the Stanford Pediatric Residency Program is to develop leaders in pediatrics. We believe that in-depth training and experiential learning through completion of a scholarly project empower our residents to approach medicine in a scholarly way and see how to incorporate scholarship into their careers to improve children’s health. 

The Scholarly Concentrations were created in 2009 to give residents more formalized training and personalized mentorship in one of six scholarly areas: 

The Scholarly Concentration program forms a unique and valuable component of the residency experience. Our Scholarly Concentration Leaders and faculty mentors are committed to providing an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment that fosters the development of individual passions and a sense of inquiry. 


Program Goals and Objectives

The Scholarly Concentrations Program is a residency requirement to encourage all residents to:

  • Experience a fundamental category of scholarship: discovery, integration, application, and/or teaching.  This acknowledges the value of a broad view of scholarship, and recognizes that creating, transforming, and extending new knowledge are all valuable tenets of the academic medical experience.
  • Gain a deeper understanding about the process of inquiry.  
  • Consider how continued scholarly work could fit into their long-term career goals. 

Completion of the Scholarly Concentration Program will allow all residents to:

  • Define and outline standards of excellence for scholarship.
  • Design a research project that is realistic and specific, with a clearly articulated research question and goals.
  • Master basic technical research skills (e.g., determine the appropriate methodological approach and statistical analysis required; follow methods and procedures; collect data and conduct analysis).
  • Analyze the significance and contribution of the results obtained to their field of study. 
  • Demonstrate professionalism in a research environment by being ethical in decision-making and adhering to IRB protocol.
  • Demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills through dissemination of their research in local, regional and/or national forums.
  • Reflect on lessons learned and consider ways to incorporate scholarship into their future careers. 

For more information about the Scholarly Concentrations program, click here: