Area Wide/Outside Agency Committees

Airport Noise Advisory Committee: 

Advisory body to the San Jose City Council and the Director of Aviation regarding Airport noise and curfew related issues and to provide a public forum for Airport policies and decisions.

Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) (General Assembly):

Established in 1961 to protect local control, planning for the future and promoting cooperation in area-wide issues.

Bay Area Water Supply and Conversation Agency (BAWSCA):

Established February 2003 to allow the City to have a greater voice in planning and funding of improvements in the Hetch-Hetchy regional water supply system.

California High-Speed Rail Authority Policymaker Working Group [Indefinitely on hold]

Established in 2010 to gather information and provide feedback to the technical teams that are preparing the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) to determine the best route alignment and design of the proposed San Francisco to San Jose section of the statewide high-speed train system. 

Caltrain Modernization Local Policymaker Group (CalMod): 
Established by Caltrain Joint Powers Board for Caltrain modernization/electrification.  Members represent cities along the Caltrain corridor.

Cities Association of Santa Clara County:

A.        Board of Directors

B.        City Selection Committee:

Established to promote cooperation among the fifteeen cities of Santa Clara County and to promote legislative action that will affect local control.

C.    Legislative Action Committee

City/Mission College Liaison Committee:

Established on-going communication and review of joint programs with Mission College. The Mission College President and two board members participate on the Committee.

City/School Liaison Committee (Santa Clara Unified School District):

Established on-going communication and coordination of joint projects/programs between City officials and SCUSD officials. The School Board representatives and School Superintendent are members of the Committee.

Emergency Preparedness Council (EPC):

The County Code identifies the Emergency Preparedness Council as the policy group for the Santa Clara County Operational Area (OpArea) and also the County's disaster council. The EPC oversees and evaluates the County OES performance as the OpArea coordinator. The EPC membership is comprised of fifteen cities and a County representative.

Grand Boulevard Task Force/El Camino Real:

Member and alternate appointed by Council on February 21, 2006. First meeting was held March 2006. Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network/Peninsula Policy Partnership formed the Task Force for the purpose of looking for ways to raise the status of the El Camino Real to a world-class boulevard with special attention to the aesthetic, safety and interjurisdictional issues.

Guadalupe/West Valley Flood Protection Control and Watershed Advisory Committee:

Reviews existing Santa Clara Valley Water District policies, projects and activities related to flood control and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. Committee members are appointed for a 2 year term. (Formerly Central/North Central Flood Control Zone Advisory Committee – named changed in April 2002).

Modesto - Santa Clara - Redding Public Power Agency (MSR)

Modesto - Santa Clara - Redding Energy Authority (MSR EA)

Montague Expressway Task Force: INACTIVE

Northern California Power Agency (NCPA):

Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities:

Established to encourage greater participation in the Division’s activities, thereby creating a strong and unified voice for cities in the Peninsula Division. The responsibilities of the liaison include keeping the Council informed about and engaged in the Division’s legislative activities, to provide periodic League updates at Council meetings and to attend Division and League events whenever possible.

Recycled Water Policy Advisory Committee:

Established in 2010 to review and advise the Santa Clara Water District and the City of San Jose (lead agency for the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant) on all policy issues related to recycled water including operations and capital improvements.

Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission of Santa Clara County (RWRC):

Established per requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) and subsequent amending legislation in order to coordinate and provide input to the countywide solid waste management program. Membership appointed through the City Selection Committee of Santa Clara County Cities’ Association.

San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Financing Authority:

Established February 2003 to allow the City to have a greater voice in planning and funding of improvements in the Hetch-Hetchy regional water supply system. The Regional Financing Authority is a parallel organization with the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Authority Agency (BAWSCA).

San Jose/Santa Clara Clean Water Financing Authority:

Reviews and advises the City of San Jose City Council on all issues relating to the operation and capital improvement of the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant.

San Jose/Santa Clara Treatment Plant Advisory Committee (TPAC):

Reviews and advises the City of San  Jose City Council on all issues relating tothe operation and caital improvement of the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant.

Santa Clara County Comprehensive Expressway Planning Study Policy Advisory Board (PAB): INACTIVE

The Santa Clara County Comprehensive Expressway Planning Study policy Advisory Board (PAB) will provide a forum for policy input from elected officials for updating the Expressway Study’s Implementation Plan originally adopted in August 2003.

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA):

  1. Board of Directors:

    Sets VTA policy; establishes committees to give advice on policy matters and provide.
  2. Caltrain Policy Advisory Board: INACTIVE

    Established by the VTA Board of Directors on 1/7/99.  Ensures that local jurisdictions are involved in guiding the planning, design and construction of projects in the Caltrain Corridor.
  3. County Expressways Policy Advisory Committee:
    Appointments made by VTA Board of Directors.  This committee is a Policy Advisory Board subcommittee.
  4. El Camino Rapid Transit (ECRRT) Policy Advisory Board (PAB): 

    Established by the VTA Board of Directors in October 2010 to guide the planning and implementation of Bus Rapid Transit corridors in Santa Clara County.

  5. Policy Advisory Committee

    Ensures that all jurisdictions within the County have access to development of VTA's policies. 

  6. Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Corridor (BART) Warm Springs Extension Policy Advisory Board

    Established by the VTA Board of Directors on January 11, 2001, to replace all previous policy committees associated with the "Fremont-South Bay Corridor" (BART) to review the progress of the upcoming Major Investment Study/Environmental Impact Report.

Santa Clara Valley Water Commission (SCVW):

Established by the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors to review and advise on issues relating to water supply and water pricing.

Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority (SVACA):

Established in 2000 to provide animal control field services and shelter services for the participating cities. The Board is comprised of three members representing the participating cities of Santa Clara, Campbell and Monte Sereno.

Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA) Board of Directors:

In 2001 several agencies in the area established the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project to design an implementation strategy of an interoperable communications network; purchase a radio and data communications system or network; integrate this system or network with other nearby regional public safety communications systems; participate in regional interoperability; and to jointly apply for grants and funding to facilitate these goals.  In 2010, a Joint Powers Agreement was established to implement and operate the SVRIA and other projects.  The nine-member Baord of Directors of the JPA consists of elected officials from different geographic regions of the County and will serve as the governing body of agreement.  The City of Santa Clara is represented in the "Central County Agencies" that also includes Sunnyvale and Milpitas.

South Bay Dischargers Authority: INACTIVE

Established in 1973 for the more efficient disposal of treated sewage through jointly owned disposal facilities (Joint Powers Agreement between the cities of San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Palo Alto - Treatment Plants). Currently inactive.

Triton Museum of Art Liaison Committee:

The Trition Museum of Art is an independent non-profit organization.  The Council appoints a representative to serve as a liaison to the Triton Museum Board.  The participation of a Council Member at the Triton Museum Board meetings will further the communication and knowledge of the City's support.

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