Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Clara


Telephone: (408) 615-2210 Fax: (408) 241-6771

Pursuant to State legislation ABx1 26, the “Dissolution Act,” the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) of the City of Santa Clara was dissolved effective February 1, 2012. The City has elected to become the Successor Agency for the RDA non-housing functions, responsible for paying off the former Redevelopment Agency’s existing debts, disposing of the former Redevelopment Agency’s properties and assets to help pay off debts, returning revenues to the local government entities that receive property taxes, and winding up the affairs of the former Redevelopment Agency. The City has also elected to retain the former Redevelopment Agency's housing functions, including retaining all of the housing assets, rights, power, duties, obligations and functions previously performed by the Redevelopment Agency in administering its Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. 

The Dissolution Act further requires each RDA to prepare an Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS) setting further specific information about the RDA’s Enforceable Obligations. The Redevelopment Agency, prior to dissolution, prepared and adopted an Amended EOPS pursuant to Part 1.8 of Redevelopment Law which will allow the Successor Agency to continue to pay all of its enforceable obligations.

Under the Dissolution Act, the actions by a Successor Agency will be monitored, and in some cases approved, by an Oversight Board. The Oversight Board will consist of seven members appointed by and representing the following:

  • County Board of Supervisors (two members)
  • Mayor (one member)
  • County Superintendent of Education (one member)
  • Chancellor of California Community Colleges (one member)
  • The Santa Clara Valley Water District, as the largest special district taxing entity (one member)
  • A former RDA employee appointed by the Mayor

Below is the information on the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Clara as it existed prior to its dissolution on February 1, 2012.

The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Santa Clara was created through City Council ordinance in 1957. It was legally and technically a state agency existing under the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California. The Agency existed as a public body, separate and distinct from the City, and was activated for the purpose of redevelopment of blighted areas of the state, identified by appropriate proceedings set forth in the Community Redevelopment Law. The Santa Clara City Council served as the Agency Board of Directors and the City Manager served as Executive Director. Agency Members and Officers, immediately prior to dissolution.

Santa Clara had two Redevelopment project areas - the Bayshore North Project area, formed in 1973, and the University Project area, formed in 1961. The Redevelopment Agency also administered a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, but these responsibilites were assumed by the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Clara through the adoption of a Resolution on February 22, 2011.

Bayshore North Project
Major projects in the Bayshore North area included streets and utilities, the Santa Clara Convention Center Complex (location of the Santa Clara Convention Center, the Hyatt Regency Hotel, and the TECHMART office building) and Great America Theme Park (now California's Great America). Redevelopment also funded major infrastructure in the project area including the Tasman Drive Bridge over the Guadalupe River, expansions of the Santa Clara Convention Center, construction of Fire Station No. 6 and the Youth Soccer Park, and the extension of the San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail to provide alternative commute options. Planned and underway capital projects in the Bayshore North project area included the construction of a new parking structure to serve the Convention Center and other nearby needs, a branch library to serve residents in the area, contribution of a not-to-exceed $40 million towards construction of a football stadium; and another underway project, the Presidio El Camino affordable housing project. The Bayshore North Redevelopment Project Area created significant economic development, jobs and affordable housing for the City of Santa Clara and region.

University Project
The University Project Area was established as a traditional urban renewal of eight blocks of what was, at that time, Santa Clara's downtown. The first phase of that redevelopment, the Franklin Mall project, was completed in 1966. More than 30 years later, the area again needed revitalization, and the City of Santa Clara and the Redevelopment Agency, through a Cooperation Agreement, provided funding for the second phase of revitalization in 2001, which included renovation of landscaping, signage and parking lots in the City-owned common areas of the project, re-named "Franklin Square." The revitalization in 2001 led to new restaurants, a Business Improvement District (BID) was formed by the Merchants Association, and the BID established a popular Farmers' Market now open year-round. Prior to the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency, the Council had set as a goal a new revitalization of the Downtown area.

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