Curricular Practical Training

EE290 (A,B,C & D) offers course credit for EE graduate students currently on an F-1 visa who would like to complete relevant work experience as part of their program of study. This is done in a manner consistent with the USCIS regulations and the Bechtel International Center.  Such work must be relevant to the curricular program pursued by the student.

If you are on a student visa, you will need to submit the PTA (Practical Training Application) form in Axess and your CPT request to the Bechtel Center.  Instructions on how to submit your CPT application and current policy information are provided at

CPT Course Enrollment Policies

Sign up for the appropriate EE 290 course (A,B,C or D) on your study list in the quarter during which you work.  Sign up for Prof. Solgaard's section.

MS students can take CPT for a maximum of two quarters (EE290A and EE290B).

PhD students can take CPT for three quarters (EE290A, B, C) and a fourth by permission only (EE290D). 

EE290A,B,C,D may each be taken only once.

  • If you receive an Incomplete (“I”) in any of these courses, you may not enroll in any additional CPT courses until you clear the Incomplete. Example: if you receive an “I” in EE290A, you may not enroll in EE290B until you have received a Satisfactory (“S”) grade in EE290A.
  • If you receive a No Credit (“NC”) in any of these courses, you may not enroll in any additional CPT courses.  Example: if you receive an “NC” in EE290A, you may not take any further CPT courses for credit.  
Course Number Can be taken by...
EE290A EE MS and PhD students only.

EE MS and PhD students who have received a Satisfactory (“S”) grade in EE290A.  

EE290C EE PhD Students only. MS students may not enroll.

EE PhD students only. Requires permission of the Associate Chair of Graduate Education. Send an email to You must present strong reasons why a fourth quarter of internship is essential to your program of study. TGR students are not eligible to take CPT unless it is an essential part of the student's research.

Requirements for Completing the Course

1. The course is completed and a grade of "S" assigned following submission and approval of a final report. The report should describe in competent English the work you performed and how it relates to your academic program (NOT your research).

2. The report should be 3-5 pages, single spaced, and should not contain company proprietary information.

3. The report cover page should include:

  • The student's name
  • Stanford ID
  • The course number (EE290A, B, C or D)
  • The quarter during which the course is taken
  • The company you worked for

4. The report must have a section describing how your work improves your skills relating to SPECIFIC Stanford class(es) that you have taken (NOT how your work improves your research skills, and NOT how these classes help your work).  The report should describe how the coursework was relevant and how it prepared you.  It should also describe how the coursework strengthened the training in your field/internship.

5. Papers resulting from the work can be added as an appendix, but do not alone fulfill the requirement.

6. Upload the report as a PDF file to the CPT database. Name the PDF file following this example: Course number_last name, first name (e.g., EE290A_Chan, Lisa)

CPT Database Workflow Steps

Steps  Workflow Process
1. Sign up for the appropriate CPT course.
2. At the beginning of the quarter, you will receive an email to log in and complete the training form. During this stage, you only need to log in to verify your basic information (i.e. email address, SUNet ID, etc.).
3. At the end of your CPT, submit your final report to the CPT database. If your report is not submitted by the last day of class, you will receive an Incomplete. (*Please see note below.) 
4. Reports will be routed for adviser approval. You are responsible for ensuring that your faculty reviews and signs your report.  
5. Reports will be routed to the Associate Chair for Graduate Education for final approval.
6. Final grades will be entered.

*An incomplete ("I") grade will be assigned if the report is not received by the last day of classes. The report is due no later than the last day of classes of the following quarter. If not submitted by that time, the EE Department will change the Incomplete to a final grade of NC (No Credit). There is no petition process to change the grade after the NC has been assigned. Failure to complete this course will result in violation of USCIS CPT regulation.