Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Education Policy Analysis at Stanford University

The Center for Education Policy Analysis (CEPA) at Stanford University is seeking two postdoctoral fellows for two-year fellowships in the Stanford Postdoctoral Fellows Program in the Center for Education Policy Analysis, a program funded by the Institute of Education Sciences.

We seek fellows with interests in developing and applying their skills in rigorous quantitative education policy analysis and a substantive interest in one or more of three overlapping education policy areas: 1) policies to improve educational outcomes for low-income and low-performing students; 2) policies and practices affecting English Language learners; and/or 3) policies and practices to improve postsecondary access and outcomes. The postdoctoral fellows will conduct research on one or more of these topics, and will receive mentorship and training from one or more of the program’s four primary faculty mentors: Sean Reardon, Susanna Loeb, Tom Dee, and Eric Bettinger. In addition, fellows may work with additional mentors among the faculty at Stanford, including Kenji Hakuta, Claude Goldenberg, Geoff Cohen, Mitchell Stevens, and Anthony Antonio.

Candidates should have a PhD in Education, Economics, Sociology, Statistics, Psychology, Public Policy, or a related field by the beginning of the postdoctoral fellowship (September 1, 2016). Candidates should have either strong substantive expertise in one of the three policy areas described above and demonstrated potential to develop strong quantitative research skills or strong quantitative research skills and an interest in applying them to one of the three policy areas. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2015, but we may consider applications received after that date until the positions are filled.

Salary: Fellows will receive a salary of $62,500 per year for two years plus funds for research expenses and travel.

For more information, and to apply, visit here. Interested applicants should submit a 2-3 page statement of interest, a research paper authored or co-authored by the applicant, and a CV. In addition, applicants should arrange for 3 scholars to provide confidential letters of reference. Letters of recommendation can be sent by email to

For questions, please contact Sean Reardon at

Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer. It welcomes nominations of and applications from women and members of minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions of diversity to the university's research, teaching and clinical missions.