Ken Shores

Ken Shores

Ken ( is a doctoral candidate in the Administration and Policy Analysis program at Stanford University. He received his B.S. in Economics from the University of Rhode Island in 2003. Prior to coming to Stanford, he was a teacher for five years in Pueblo Pintado, a small Navajo community in the northwest region of New Mexico. He also taught for two years in Quito, Ecuador. Ken studies patterns and trends of educational inequality and the political tools at our disposal for addressing these inequalities. Currently, he is investigating the effects of court-ordered school finance reform using factor methods applied to panel data, and he is developing techniques for constructing welfare-adjusted NAEP scale scores.


Shores, K. and Loeb, S. "Distributive decisions in education: Goals, trade-Offs and feasibility constraints." Theory and Research in Education. forthcoming.

Shores, K. "Welfare Adjusted Scale Score: Method Toward the Development of an Equal-Interval Welfare Scale." 2016. (under review)

Candelaria, C., and Shores, K. "The Sensitivity of Causal Estimates from Court-Ordered Finance Reform on Spending and Graduation Rates." 2016. (under review)

Bischoff, K. and Shores, K. "The role of social science in action-guiding philosophy: The case of educational equity." Theory and Research in Education. 12:2, 131-150 (2015).

Reardon, S., Valentino, R., and Shores, K. "Patterns of literacy among U.S. students". Future of Children. 22:2, 17-37 (2012).


Kalogrides, D. and Shores, K. "Neighborhood Effects: Values of Housing and Schools." Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance. 479-484 (2014) eds. Brewer, D. and Picus, L. Los Angeles: SAGE.


Reardon, S., Shores., K., and Kalogrides, D. "The Geography of Racial/Ethnic Academic Achievement Inequality" In manuscript (2015).

Candelaria, C., and Shores, K. "Causal Effects of School Finance Reform: an Interactive Fixed Effects Approach" In manuscript (2015).

Shores, K. "Welfare Adjusted Scale Score: Method Toward the Development of an Interval Welfare Scale" In manuscript (2015).

Shores, K. "Equality of Opportunity in Education, under the Right Conditions" In manuscript (2015).

Dissertation Committee:
Sean Reardon, Susanna Loeb, Eamonn Callan, Debra Satz

Research Interests: Education policy analysis, education finance, distributive justice and ethical theory, achievement gaps, measurement, causal inference (emphasis on panel methods)


  • Stanford University, Ph.D., Education Policy Analysis, expected December 2015
  • University of Rhode Island, B.S., Economics & Comparative Literature, 2003

More information:

Shores CV

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