Lindsay Fox

Lindsay ( is a doctoral student in the Economics of Education program at Stanford University. She received a B.A. in Mathematical Economics from Colorado College in 2005. After graduating, Lindsay worked for a year as a public interest fellow at the Pikes Peak Community Foundation, followed by two years as a research assistant at the Federal Reserve Board. Most recently, she worked as an analyst at Abt Associates where she was primarily involved in education evaluation projects. Her research interests include measures of teacher quality and effectiveness as well as how to evaluate the effects of policy and educational interventions on student outcomes. Lindsay also has a strong interest in quantitative methods and causal inference.

Recent Publications

Dissertation Committee: Sean Reardon, Susanna Loeb, Tom Dee

Research Interests: Economics of education, Education policy analysis, Teacher labor markets and effectiveness, Inequality, Methods for causal inference

  • Stanford University, Ph.D., Economics of Education, expected June 2016
  • Stanford University, M.A., Economics, 2015
  • Colorado College, Colorado Springs, B.A., Mathematical Economics, 2005
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