Crisis Response Fund
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    Crisis Response Fund

    “CIVICUS has directly contributed to freedom of expression and citizen participation in Yemen”- Crisis Response Fund grantee, Yemen Portal

    CIVICUS invites civil society organisations (CSOs) around the world that are working in situations of threatened civil society existence and general clamp down of civil society to apply for funding to support campaigns and advocacy action aimed at addressing the imminent threats challenges they face in their countries or regions.

    About the Crisis Response Fund:
    Civil society organisations around the world are often faced with threats in the course of their work especially in countries where democracy is struggling or non-existent. While some threats develop gradually, others materialise swiftly and require an immediate response. The CIVICUS Crisis Response Fund, set up by CIVICUS in 2007, therefore serves as a mechanism for mobilising quick, principled and effective responses to events that threaten civil society’s fundamental rights to collectively express, associate and organise.

    In 2011 CIVICUS joined a coalition of international civil society partners administering the Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund, which provides emergency advocacy support responding to threats to civil society through CIVICUS' Crisis Response Fund. The Fund receives contributions through an international donor pool of 17 governments and independent foundations that support democracy and human rights.  These include: the governments of Australia, Benin, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; and the Ford Foundation.

    Advocacy that can be supported through this Fund:
    The Crisis Response Fund will provide small grants mainly to national civil society organisations for time-bound urgent advocacy activities including, but not limited to:

    • Convening of working groups of local, regional and international civil society to address the crisis
    • Supporting civil society representatives from the ground in advocacy at international and regional forums
    • Submissions of reports to the human rights monitoring bodies of regional and international institutions
    • Solidarity visits or missions by international high level officials and/or celebrities
    • Networking regionally with other civil societies under siege to exchange best practices and share legal expertise
    • Regional and International advocacy campaigns directed at regional and international bodies
    • Fact-finding and publication of reports
    • Technical assistance for the analysis of pending or existing repressive legislation
    • National workshops to discuss and plan advocacy strategies, such as to repeal restrictive legislation
    • Training for organisations on the ground, such as in digital safety and privacy
    • Public advocacy campaigns within countries where civil society struggles under repression

    How to Apply:

    1. Please read the Crisis Response Fund Guidelines and Protocols
    2. Complete the Crisis Response Fund Budget.
    3. Complete the form and email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    What to check before submitting your Request:
    CIVICUS Crisis Response Fund support will be provided in cases that require immediate action – either to forestall imminent threats or to address new restrictions. Although responses should be as immediate as possible, CIVICUS evaluates when, why and how it should respond to particular situations. In addition the applying Civil Society organisation must satisfy CIVICUS that:

    1. All requests for funding have used the form provided and all the provisions therein have duly been completed.
    2. All the requests for funding have clearly stated the activities to be implemented and the total amount required using the budget template.
    3. All requests have stated clearly their contact address with active telephone numbers and email address for follow-up.

    For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

    Our tweets

    CIVICUS Alliance Joint Statement: Calling on the Bahraini authorities to release Dr Abduljalil al-Singace
    About 21 hours ago
    About 22 hours ago
    CIVICUS Alliance Hong Kong student protest leader, Joshua Wong, faces new charges
    About 23 hours ago
    CIVICUS Alliance Russia’s crackdown on freedom of expression intensifies
    Friday, 28 August 2015 08:00
    Friday, 28 August 2015 06:53


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