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How can I get a disabled parking space installed?
On-street parking spaces may be signed and marked with blue curb for use by disabled residents who need accessible parking provided within close proximity to their residence. Please note that any on-street disabled parking space would be available for ANY person possessing a valid disabled placard or license plate, and is not restricted for use by the adjacent property.

Factors taken into consideration when determining if an on-street disabled parking space is appropriate include:

• Availability and condition of off-street parking, such as a relatively flat (non-sloped) driveway and/or garage. Parking off-street is the preferred location for disabled access to a vehicle.
• The condition of the park strip, sidewalk area and street pavement that will be used by a disabled individual accessing a parked vehicle.
• On-street parking demand in the neighborhood.
• Support of the adjacent property owner, if the property is rented.

Possession of a current Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) issued disability placard or disabled license plate is required, with a registration form that shows the requestor’s name and address.

If you would like to request for a location to be evaluated for an on-street disabled parking space, please email, or call (408) 535-3850.

DOT - Traffic Safety

Show All Answers

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2. What is the City’s process for installing a stop sign?
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4. How are posted speed limits established? Can a speed limit be reduced or increased on a particular street?
5. How can my business obtain time restricted parking or loading zone signs?
6. Does the City have a Residential Permit Parking program?
7. How can I get a disabled parking space installed?
8. What is the City's process for installing a new traffic signal?
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