Throughout the year, the participants explored several central issues and questions, including:

  • What does it mean to be an environmental leaders as we face the challenges of sustainability?
  • How will I contribute to the system and cultural changes where I live and work?
  • What are the key competencies needed for leading change?
  • How do I work to best utilize the collective knowledge of multiple disciplines and perspectives?

The program was organized around a series of workshops and events on leadership, communications, and problem-solving held approximately once a month during the academic year. The program activities included:

  • Science writing workshop offered by Josh Schimel, Faculty, U. of Santa Barbara and author of Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded
  • Defining and building a communications repertoire: creating an individual plan with the Environmental Leadership Program
  • Interviewing for information session led by journalists from Stanford's Knight Journalism Fellowship
  • An interdisciplinary problem-solving summer institute: Collaboratory on Mountain lions at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

The members of the cohort were:

*Marion Adeney, Environmental Anthropology, research group of Lisa Curran
Bill Anderegg, Carnegie Institution, Department of Global Ecology, lab of Chris Field
*Matt Armsby, Center for Ocean Solutions
Kim Carlson, Environmental Anthropology, research group of Lisa Curran
*Marc Conte, Natural Capital Project
Danny Cullenwald, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (advisor: Steve Schneider) & Stanford Law School 
*Kye Epps (deceased), Biology, lab of Peter Vitousek
Jamie Fleischfresser Dunckley, Fluid Mechanics (advisor: Jeff Koseff), Civil Engineering
Sarah Giddings, Fluid Mechanics (advisor: Steve Monismith); Civil Engineering
Dane Klinger, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (advisor: Roz Naylor)
Kristy Kroeker, Hopkins Marine Station, lab of Fio Michelli
*Steven Litvin, Hopkins Marine Station, lab of Fio Michelli
*Scott Loarie, Carnegie Institution, Department of Global Ecology, lab of Chris Field
*Matt Mills, Earth, Energy, and Environmental Systems, lab of Kevin Arrigo
Kimi Narita,  Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources & Stanford Law School
Molly Palmer, Earth, Energy, and Environmental Systems, lab of Kevin Arrigo
*Michael Papenfus, Natural Capital Project
Lena Perkins, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy Resources Engineering
Carolyn Snyder, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (advisor: Steve Schneider)

*Postdoctoral Scholar/Early Career Fellow