Science Journal

Thousands Evacuate as Irma Churns Toward U.S.

Authorities ordered more than 650,000 people to evacuate the Miami area as Hurricane Irma churned toward a possible collision with the mainland U.S. and killed at least 11 people in the Caribbean. 201

Science Video

The Science of Why Harvey Was So Devastating


Solar Eclipse: Views and Reactions From Coast to Coast


Solar Eclipse: New Yorkers Flock to Central Park


Does Belief in Free Will Make Us More Ethical?

Robert M. Sapolsky asks, “Does belief in free will make us more ethical?” and looks at a new paper about geography’s surprising effect on the question.

The Science of Why Harvey Was So Devastating

Tropical Storm Harvey dumped record rainfall along the Texas coast, and Houston was among the hardest hit areas. Here’s the science of why Harvey had such a catastrophic impact. Photo: NASA 72

Scientists Explain Why Harvey Was So Devastating

Tropical Storm Harvey lingered over Houston, dumping trillions of gallons of rain. Here are some answers from scientists on why it was so bad. 232

Five Reasons Houston Is Especially Vulnerable to Flooding

As Hurricane Harvey bears down on Texas’ Gulf Coast, the threat of flooding looms large in Houston, as its geography, developments and drainage systems make storms a particular danger to the area. 89

Mind & Matter

Do Men and Women Have Different Brains?

A controversy sparked by a Google memo brings up an old question: What role does biology play in personality and behavioral differences? Alison Gopnik on new answers. 57