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Connect from off campus

Browser-specific configuration is required to access SUL's restricted databases, electronic journals, or e-books from off-campus locations. These pages offer instructions for various operating systems and web browsers.

Connect from off campus FAQ

When do I need to use the off-campus browser settings?

  • Use the off-campus browser settings when you are connecting to restricted online library resources and you're not part of the Stanford University network - e.g. you are using a personal DSL or cable connection, or 3G (cellular) connection.
  • You need to use the off-campus settings even if you are using a VPN client.
  • You should not use the off-campus browser settings when you are using Stanford wi-fi, Stanford ethernet, Stanford DSL, or modem pool.
  • Check whether you are part of the SU network.

What if I am using a public computer that will not let me change the browser configuration?

Once I set up my browser for off-campus use, do I ever have to change the settings back?

  • If you have a laptop or other mobile device, you may want to switch back to on-campus settings when you are on a Stanford network; this will improve speed and eliminate extra logins.

Does using a proxy allow Stanford to track all of my Internet browsing?

  • No. Only online resources restricted to University use are routed through the proxy server.

What if I have a Unix system?

  • While SUL cannot provide support for your Unix system, you should be able to configure any browser if it allows for automatic proxy configuration.

After I set up the off-campus browser configuration, my browser hangs or I get an error message when I try to connect to a Stanford-restricted site.

  • Entering the Stanford proxy URL incorrectly, or any other misconfiguration during the browser setup, can result in errors and poor performance. Make sure to follow the procedures precisely.  If possible, copy and paste the URL to avoid errors.
  • Test your browser configuration. You should see "Stanford.EDU" or ".SUNet" in the remote host.

The catalog says I should have access to a certain electronic resource, but I can't access it.

  • Check your browser settings and make sure they match the set-up instructions exactly. It may also be that the resource has not yet been added to the proxy list. If you continue to have problems accessing the restricted online resource, please report the problem.

I cannot access a restricted online resource that uses SSL even if I use the Stanford off-campus browser settings correctly.

  • Any restricted site with a URL that begins with "https://" will not work through the Stanford proxy browser configuration. Try finding a link to that site on our alternate proxy server page. If you cannot find a link to the site, please report the problem.