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Connect from off campus

Browser-specific configuration is required to access SUL's restricted databases, electronic journals, or e-books from off-campus locations. These pages offer instructions for various operating systems and web browsers.

MacOS - Safari

Configuring Safari 4.x/5.x on Macintosh for off-campus access

  1. Click the Safari Menu, then click Preferences.
  2. Click the Advanced icon tab.
  3. Next to Proxies click the Change Settings button.
  4. When the Network configuration window opens, click Proxies in the top navigation bar.
  5. Check the Automatic Proxy Configuration checkbox.
  6. When the Proxy Configuration File section appears, enter the following URL. (This URL must be copied exactly with no spaces):
  7. Click OK, click Apply, then close all configuration windows.

Note about on-campus access

With your browser configured as described above, you will be prompted for your SUNet ID and password each time you access a licensed resource, even when you are on campus. If you would prefer to avoid this, revert your browser settings as follows:

  1. Return to the Proxies section of the Network configuration window as described above.
  2. Uncheck the Automatic Proxy Configuration Script checkbox.
  3. click OK, click Apply, then close all configuration windows.