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Connect from off campus

Browser-specific configuration is required to access SUL's restricted databases, electronic journals, or e-books from off-campus locations. These pages offer instructions for various operating systems and web browsers.

iPhone / iPad

Configuring iPhone and iPad for off-campus access

  1. Tap the Settings icon on the home screen.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi (Proxy settings can only be enabled though a wi-fi network at this time).  
  3. Tap the blue arrow next to the specific Network you would like to configure for proxy access.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the configuration screen and tap the Auto button under HTTP Proxy.
  5. In the URL field, enter the following value:
  6. Press the Home button and tap the Safari icon to begin browsing.

Note about on-campus access

With your browser configured as described above, you will be prompted for your SUNet ID and password each time you access a licensed resource, even when you are on campus. If you would prefer to avoid this, revert your browser settings as follows:

  1. Return to Wi-Fi settings for the Stanford network as described above;
  2. Tap Off under HTTP Proxy
  3. Close all settings windows.