2012-13 Seed Research Projects

CIFE 2012-13 Seed Research Projects

Power to the Edge: A Work Tracking System for Construction: M.Fischer, R. Levitt, N. Garcia-Lopez

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Buildings for Life-Cycle Cost and Environmental Impact Performance: M. Lepech, M. Fischer, F. Flager, J. Basbagill 

Incorporating Human and Social Behavior in Computational Egress Analysis:K. Law, J.C. Latombe, P. Parigi, M. Chu

Seeding Scalable Workflow Productivity Improvements: M. Fischer, M. Steinert, R. Senescu, A. Head

Space Constraint Method: M. Fischer, M. Lepech, R. Morkos  

Assessing the Impact of IPD on Adoption of Innovations Related to Energy Efficiency: R. Levitt, M. Fischer, A. Algiers, D. Hall, P.Padachuri