2014-15 Seed Research Projects

CIFE 2014-15 Seed Research Projects

Methodology for Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing of High Performance Building Façade Segment Optimized to Environmental Constraints AND Impact of Material Characteristics on Construction and Lifecycle Performance of Buildings  - M. Fischer, S. Billington, V. Bazjanac, N. Mrazovic

Enhancing Decision-Making on Sustainable Building Projects Using Influence Diagrams - M. Lepech, R. Shachter, K. Abraham

Managing Construction Parts – From Manufacturing to Construction - M. Fischer, C. Kam, B. Schwegler, C. Chi, D. Hall, H. Chen, N. Zhao, S. Tao

A Simulation-Based Approach to Accounting for Uncertainty and Variability in Look-Ahead Planning - M. Fischer, J. Choo, N. Garcia-Lopez